The Codes of Creation


On March 23rd, I had the privilege of interviewing a man named “Robert Edward Grant”. To define him with only one title is simply impossible due to the vast amount of knowledge and experience he brings to the table. What I thought was going to be a fun conversation about ancient Egypt and the building of the pyramids ended up going in a completely different direction – one that completely blew my mind.

Initially, my plan was to post the entire interview exclusively on UNIFYD TV, like I usually do. However, after comprehending the implications of the knowledge Robert shared throughout the 90 minutes we had together and the power that it has to truly wake up the world, I knew that I had to share it with the world as a whole. The interview you are about to watch has activated me in ways that I cannot even begin to explain. That activation process is still ongoing.

My utmost respect and gratitude go to Robert Edward Grant for dedicating his life to this work. I truly believe he has the ability to change the world completely in his lifetime, and I hope to continue learning from him so I can pass his knowledge on to future generations. A special thank you to all UNIFYD TV members who make interviews like this possible.

If you would like to support more of this work, join the movement that is waking up humanity at: Learn more about Robert and his amazing work at

 #jasonshurka #robertedwardgrant #unifyd #creation #codes

Thank you!!!


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