An interview with Patricia Hamilton on The Conscious Living Show
Inna is an internationally recognized healer, professional speaker, and author. She has traveled the world...
In this video, Rochelle McDonnell guides you to break through the roadblocks and deal- breakers where you lack clarity on your real purpose/goals or...
Create Your Personal Blueprint for 2017
Johanna McNamara (BA, IR, Dip Teach, Ed Psych, Reiki Master) named her Ascent Healing Centre to signify how her...
The Search For Love Starts With You
By Robert Kirby
“Why does everyone else seem to find love so easily?†you say.
It’s the $64 million question...
We are living in turbulent but exciting times.
Everywhere there is political unrest, a seething resentment at oppressive forces, a demand for freedom and...