Connecting to Your Deeper Healing Wisdom by Inna Segal


In the last twenty years, I have been exploring the connection that exists between what happens within our inner world ie -how we think, feel and act and the physical ailments we develop. Yet the co-relation goes deeper than that. You not only carry specific traumas in your body, which have occurred in your past, you also hold emotional, mental and physical challenges that your family members have not processed as well as the karmic effects that you need to transform from previous incarnations. These aspects are often held inside your energy bodies and at certain cycles in your life come to the surface creating utter chaos in your life and offering you a tremendous opportunity for growth, that is if you are open enough to understand them and have the tools which can help you heal and expand.

I healed myself of debilitating back pain, psoriasis and digestive issues

When I first wrote The Secret Language of Your Body, after I healed myself of debilitating back pain, psoriasis and digestive issues, the idea of tuning into your body was a foreign one, allotted only to special people. Now, it has become a necessity for everyone. Unless you are willing to place your health and your life into someone else’s hands.

When we finally make a decision to re-connect with our bodies, a whole new domain of possibilities occurs. We start to befriend the body and in turn it listens. I recently received a message from Alyssa who was experiencing unexplained neck and shoulder pain. She said that she absolutely tried everything to release the pain, with no success. Then she remembered that she had recently discovered my work. She immediately found my book and started connecting with her back, asking questions, listening and participating in the healing processes I suggested. She shared that the change was quick and almost miraculous!

Another lady at a recent book signing in Cairns shared that she had suffered with a bad ear infection and went to see a doctor who immediately prescribed antibiotics. She decided to use a process from The Secret Language of Your Body instead, and her ear healed, which not only empowered her but also created a deeper trust with her body.

In fact I can’t tell you how many countless people have benefited from discovering the secret, sacred language of their body. When I say body, I also mean the Soul. This language is universal, symbolic and absolutely life changing.

I have had countless people share with me how they were able to heal everything including cancers, tumours, depression, arthritis, psoriasis, migranes etc, using the power of their inner being.

The key is to know how to access this secret wisdom and sensitise your body enough so that you can awaken your intuitive facilities of subtle perception.

Let’s explore a few examples of what can occur in your body if you keep ignoring it.

For instance  – if you don’t acknowledge, meet, understand and transform your anger it will affect your liver, heart, lungs – and potentially lead to headaches, reproductive issues, inflammatory conditions

Unprocessed sadness and grief will weaken your lungs and heart – potentially causing depression, numbness, and disassociation, pneumonia, frozen shoulders, memory loss, lower back pain, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

Worry will weaken your stomach and create a host of digestive issues, abate your abilities to make decisions and lead to self-sabotage.

Stress will weaken your heart and brain and potentially lead to strokes, heart attacks, teeth grinding, jaw problems, brain tumours etc.

Fear greatly weakens your kidneys and leads to urinary infections, venereal disease, OCD, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cysts, hemorrhoids, etc.

Of-course as we delve deeper we realise that much of what happened in our childhood, in particular when we were in the womb and the next seven years of life, as well as anything that our parents, grandparents, and ancestors have not worked on, can appear as anxiety, depression, overwhelming fear and an array of health conditions later on in our lives.

Ailments that are unexplainable, come out of nowhere and are difficult to heal are often related past life experiences. They are not here to make you suffer but to wake you up and help you learn the lessons that you, yourself have instilled into your Astral or Etheric Body.

For instance if a young girl has observed her mother acting like a slave, whilst being treated harshly by her father she is going to co-relate that to femininity and eventually try to disown it, by becoming extremely tense around her shoulders, protecting her heart, controlling her environment, focusing on achieving outer success at any cost, so that she won’t end up like her mother. In that process, she might reject her creativity, softness, flow and all the beautiful intuitive feminine qualities.  Yet whatever we push away, always comes back to bite us, in a way and at a time when we least expect.

When we understand and have the tools to tune in and work on ourselves that wholeness can be possible

There is a spiritual law which says: that any part of yourself that you don’t use will start to decline and wither away. This can occur to a female or a male person as we have both the feminine and the masculine within us. A male could potentially disown his sensitive, intuitive artistic aspect, because his father or mother made him feel that a boy should be tough. This can then manifest in a variety of disorders – from addictions of all kind to heart problems, asthma, reproductive issues, diabetes and a variety of cancers.

It’s only when we understand and have the tools to tune in and work on ourselves that wholeness can be possible. As Barbara, an incredibly astute health practitioner discovered after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer and secondary lung cancer.

Barb made a decision to heal herself, started fasting and changing her point of view on life, working daily with healing processes she learned at my workshops and from The Secret Language of Your body. Six months later her tests were completely clear.

One of the main reasons I mainly teach workshops now is that I have realized that healing is a personal experience and whether someone heals or doesn’t, completely depends on them, their willingness to learn the correct ways to do things and their ability to embrace change. Whilst, healing can at times occur instantly, the majority of the time, we need to develop a daily healing practice in order to strengthen our inner being.

Even when healing is not physical, because there are karmic lessons that need to be learned, if we work on ourselves we can always grow, evolve, forgive, understand and transform. This type of healing is extremely important as it actually sets up our future lives. We have to see healing from the point of view of a Big Picture. Just as we go to sleep every day and have time during sleep where we are in dreamless sleep and are connecting to Higher Beings, the next day, we wake up ready for a new experience. Dying is a similar process to sleep, we have some time out in the spiritual world and then we come back. What we do in this life has a major impact on our health, where and to whom we are born in future lives.


About Inna 

Inna Segal is the award-winning best-selling author of The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness and The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions. She has also created The Secret Language of Colour Cards and Heal Yourself Reading Cards and many healing audio programs. Inna is an internationally recognized healer, professional speaker and author. For more info about her events please go to 


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