There are many books on Leadership available for the professional or non-professional wanting to excel in a leadership role or considering moving up to a leadership role within their workplace but few, if any come with the unique understanding shown by Renee Giarrusso in her powerhouse book Gift Mindset.
Having spent many years in the Corporate World in senior leadership roles, she believes passionately in mindset, communication, and collaboration in the workplace, to create a great workplace culture that leads on to success at both a Corporate and personal level. What she has to say is not rocket science; it is something that is known to everyone, if only they seek to find and understand, that of using life’s experiences as lessons to learn from and foster understanding.
She has gathered together over her lifetime what she considers are the twelve Gifts we are all offered to help embrace change, challenge and success in a way that is positive and empowering.
“Why does mindset matter?â€, is a question posed early in the book and one well worth serious consideration. As she goes on to point out, in today’s world it is so very easy to disconnect, to separate the challenges from life, only focusing on the positives, to seek ‘perfection’ and in doing so, find yourself in a world of comparisons coupled with despair and loneliness.
Tough talk but difficult to argue against, she offers the wisdom of the ages, coupled with her own personal learning, to shine a broad light on a pathway that is a Gift toward a happy, healthy Mindset as we learn to unwrap the gifts we are so freely given, learning to understand their powerful impact on daily and professional lifestyle and goals.
 Beginning with understanding where the gifts come from: challenges, positivity, personal experience, and professional experience, it is then time to begin to understand and unwrap your gift. Part II presents the specific Gifts. Each of the sections is short but powerful, each concluding with a dainty Bonbonniere of facts which reiterate the main points in the preceding pages.
Gift Mindset is original in a world of mass information; it is a powerful voice for change and understanding is perceptive in its depth and breadth of understanding of the human psyche and could be considered as a road map or guidebook to a fresh new beginning along a pathway of understanding, leading to personal and professional happiness and success.
Author                            Renée Giarrusso
Publisher                                                   Major Street Publishing
ISBNÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 978-0-6487964-6-6
Reviewed by JANET MAWDESLEY MAY 15, 2021, 9:35 AM