Let’s celebrate Indigenous culture and traditional Australian bush foods through food, by including traditional Australian bush foods and ingredients in our diet.
As we move into winter; the Aboriginal season of Wurrkeng in Kakadu NT and known as Makuru here in WA, there is nothing like the magic of a delicious aromatic tea to uplift our spirit and warm us up.
In 2015 Tahlia Mandie, realised her vision as she transitioned from tech entrepreneur to health-lover, and created her social enterprise company, Kakadu Plum Co, with the mission to celebrate Australia’s native bush tucker superfoods. The hero ingredient in so many of the Kakadu Plum Co. products is Kakadu Plums that are 100% wild and grown on the land – then dried and milled.
These teas are made with Australia’s most beautiful and exquisite ingredients, sourced from Indigenous Australians.
Berry Myrtle Tea is blended with native ingredients- lemon myrtle which provides a tangy base that pairs perfectly with the deep, back-of-the-throat heat of the Australian Mountain Pepper leaf and berry. Additional appealing ingredients are cinnamon myrtle, aniseed myrtle, and rosella.
Enjoy the zesty herbal flavour and clean natural finish after a meal during the day. It is not only flavoursome and aromatic, but it is equally good for your digestion and cleansing. You will feel life and vitality as your tastebuds begin to tingle.
Bush Gumby Tea is made with Gumby Gumby, an Australian native plant that boasts an array of health benefits for being anti-pruritic, anti-viral, detoxifier, blood pressure regulator, and is known for boosting the immune system. Australian Aboriginal people have used this ingredient to fight disease, and its healing abilities are incredible. Bush Gumby Tea is so good for your health, smells absolutely like the Australian Bush, and is very soothing.
 The Kakadu Plum Co. is a social enterprise, that works directly with Traditional Owners and Indigenous Australians who wild harvest many of the natural bush foods and ingredients, including Kakadu Plum in the bush tea range, and the ingredients that help offer the health benefits in their new teas: Berry Myrtle Tea & Bush Gumby Tea. The communities and individuals they work with set the price and are paid directly for the foods grown on their land.
The company’s overarching aim is to share this rich source of indigenous bush foods and teas with the broader Australian (and the world) community connecting them with ‘the oldest foods on earth and the traditional Indigenous produce of the Kakadu region.
“I started Kakadu Plum Co. because I saw too many Australians opting for international superfoods for their health. I connected with country and community and knew I had to share this incredible fruit – the Kakadu Plum. I was driven about sharing this incredible product and story and highlighting the amazing foods that have been growing on this land for thousands of years. To be connected to Traditional Owners and communities is an incredible honour.”  says Kakadu Plum Co. Founder and Director, Tahlia MandieÂÂ
For more information visit https://kakaduplumco.com
 Disclaimer: Pure, Safe, Bush Food Ingredients for Better HealthÂÂ
It’s important to note that, if you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering Australian bush plants, herbs, and supplements into your diet. The ingredients in Berry Myrtle & Bush Gumby Tea are Lemon myrtle, cinnamon myrtle, aniseed myrtle, mountain pepper leaf and berry, rosella and gumby gumby – pure bush foods that can form an important part of better health practices.