Read Me First by Lisa Stephenson


What happens when the world you thought you know, turns out to be completely the opposite. The job you desperately wanted goes to another person, or life simply takes over the so carefully laid plans, heading you off in another, unlooked for direction.

 According to Lisa Stephenson, you take a deep breath, reassess and begin again to create a life that perhaps you never realised was yours for the asking, working with the things you love to do and have in your life, the strengths that are yours and the ability that is there within you, to use that time old phrase ‘Carpe Diem’, to really reach your personal goals and achieve the purpose that you want in your life.

This book is not a lovey, warm, feel good, comforting read; quite the opposite in fact, although the tough stuff is couched in a rich sense of humour. Thought provoking detail, runs hand in hand with strategies that will, if followed, work for you.

As a success coach, Lisa Stephenson has heard it all through her clients over the years, and has faced the seriously tough stuff in her own life: a life that had it all; three lovely children, a house in the right part of town, a career that was wonderful, a loving husband and friend until it all came crashing down.

After the grieving process, she took stock of what she wanted to achieve in her life and for her children, then set out to make a list of her goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses, beginning to slowly carve out a new life, one that has with hard work, and emotional challenges, been very been successful.

In Read Me First, she offers much of what she has learned over the years to encourage you towards a new beginning. Lisa is known for her targeted approach, an approach that has the evidence to show it works, and as she states, she wishes someone had offered her a book like this in the beginning, as it would have helped set her on the pathway forward so much sooner.

She asks direct and very pointed questions, asking you to explore who you really are, what you think of you, what you think others think of you, and so much more, none of which is easy to consider, let alone detail, but will help focus on what and where you want to go with your life.

Many people who work within the Entrepreneurship medium will relate to the coaching style, and those who are somewhat timid about this business style are set to learn much about self-worth, self-achievement, self-confidence and self-belief.

Consider Read Me First as a coaching manual for the rest of your life, based on the reality of learning whom you really are, your strengths, your weaknesses and using them to create a new, fulfilling life

The book is not all hard to face information, it is a book of change, laced with humour, reality checks all based in good, sound common sense, accepting that we as humans being are often frail, falling by the wayside, but also believing that if we get up and try again, we too can achieve all we desire in our lives.

Read Me First is a powerful book, one that almost demands, that you the reader, we the persons, become responsible for our own chosen pathways through life and ultimately our own successes ,because they there, waiting to be achieved.

As Lisa Stephenson so succinctly states, begin your journey now, ‘before you write the next chapter of you’!

Author Lisa Stephenson
Publisher Major Street Publicating
ISBN 97806482378768

Reviewed by Jan Mawdesley from

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