Living with Ghosts Movie


In this Best Documentary film festival winner, a widow suffering prolonged grief agrees to participate in a research study exploring a clinical intervention that aims to reconnect bereaved survivors with their departed loved ones.

The process is known as Induced After-Death Communication (IADC), and it is rapidly gaining recognition among psychologists, academics and bereavement professionals.

​LIVING WITH GHOSTS records the first-ever publicly funded attempt to facilitate contact with deceased individuals to determine if such contact can be used to reduce severe grief symptoms.

In an area where traditional talk therapy has been largely ineffective, at a time when 70,000 Americans die from prescription drug misuse in a single year, this film heralds a welcome alternative for the chronically bereaved.

Complicated Grief Trauma

Death abounds in year 2020-21. Not making headline news, however, is a mental health
condition afflicting survivors of those who died abruptly. A psychopathology known as complicated grief occurs when a death is so unexpected that the resulting sorrow does not ebb normally over time. Instead, grief mixes with trauma and becomes chronic, disabling 20-30% of all bereaved. Without intervention, impairment can last for years or even a lifetime.

This film follows three such people on their search for relief, culminating in a highly unorthodox study at the University of North Texas. There, researchers are working to reduce acute grief symptoms by inducing telepathic “reconnections” between survivor and deceased.

Helping People to Live Well

One featured subject named Karen has been living with acute grief symptoms ever since her young husband suffered a fatal heart attack 17 years ago. But when Karen’s daughter learns about the Texas grief study and urges her mother to give it a try, Karen is troubled by the opportunity. Because like so many others trapped inside the tall walls of prolonged grief, she is protective of her bereavement pain; Karen perceives it as the only way to feel connected to her late husband. After all, that pain is the place where she last saw him.
This film demonstrates that people must grieve well in order to be well; and the extraordinary treatment documented in Living With Ghosts helps people live well.

To watch the film click on this link:

Learn more about Induced After Death Communication in this Q & A with Suzanne Giesemann, Stephen Berkley the film maker and some of the experts from his film,



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