HomeArticlesLandcare Farming Award – Celebrating WA Win
Landcare Farming Award – Celebrating WA Win
Silvia Leighton and Peter McKenzie have adopted regenerative farming methods to make their Wilyun Pools Farm more sustainable. Using the three pillars of Landcare and Regenerative Agriculture – healthy environment, healthy society, and healthy economy – they have contributed to a network of like-minded landholders. Sylvia Leighton and Peter McKenzie are passionate about sharing their findings with others on how to strike a balance between farming and conservation.
Wilyun Pools Farm, located in Wellstead District, is 100 kilometers northeast of the City of Albany on the south coast of Western Australia.
Sylvia is a TAFE lecturer and mentor in conservation and land management. Her family purchased Wilyun Pools Farm back in 1965. Now a botanist, Sylvia is committed to helping others learn about and care for the environment. Peter comes from a farm, forestry and agriculture background and has collaborated with farmers across the region to promote integrated farm forestry.
Using their wealth of scientific knowledge and experience in biology, ecology, community landcare and soil science, Sylvia and Peter have transformed Wilyun Pools Farm into locally recognised haven for biodiversity. The highly productive farm now features thriving wildlife corridors connecting to the remnant bushland consisting of Kwongan shrubland, Swamp banksia, and Yate woodland communities.
Australian Government Landcare Farming Award was awarded to Sylvia Leighton and Peter McKenzie (WA)
Exhibition Co – 2022 NATIONAL LANDCARE AWARDS at International Convention Centre, Sydney on 24/8/2022 . Photo: Pete S / Event Photos Australia
“We’re humbled to receive the 2022 Australian Government Landcare Farming award for our work on Wilyun Pools Farm and hope that it inspires others to take action on their own patch,†Sylvia said.
Together they are committed to using regenerative farming methods to make Wilyun Farm more sustainable and to continue their work with a network of like-minded landholders. They have adopted the three pillars of Landcare and Regenerative Agriculture – healthy environment, healthy society, healthy economy and believe in taking actions to increase their rural community’s societal wellbeing.