Perth Pioneers of New Sound Therapy


 Kyela Sound Therapy is a profoundly transformational sound therapy modality that has far-reaching benefits and takes a holistic approach to the process of healing.

 Developed in the foothills of Perth, Kyela Sound Therapy is a new and comprehensive yet individual way of using sound as a therapy. It a noninvasive modality, in that the body of the client is not touched with sound therapy tools or singing bowls but rather the work is performed in the client’s energy or biofield to assist in restoring balance and harmony using sound. It is the Kyela Sound Therapists’ belief that once the energetic field is cleared of blockages the effect filters down to the physical body. Kyela Sound Therapists consider themselves not healers but rather; facilitators of the movement of energy using sound.

All our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and indeed environmental influences both inside and outside of us have a lasting effect on our auric or energetic field. We are energetic beings with an electromagnetic field that is part of and interacts with all other electromagnetic fields around us. “Everything in life is Vibration” Einstein. We are, quantum physics explains, all vibrating and therefore interconnected and influenced by everything seen and unseen in our world. Profound as an understanding and something that we can see when we note the amazing benefits from clearing and rebalancing our biofield with the Kyela Sound Therapy Modality.

Kyela Sound is used in many applications from workplace stress management programs, in gymnasiums, yoga, mental health, pregnancy, with people suffering specific health issues, schools, for animals, and general wellbeing. It is truly unlimited in its application and benefits. 

Kyela Sound Therapy came into being from a culmination of Miranda Munro’s 40 years of experience and learning, coupled with the personal sound journey she shared and developed with Karl Akkerman. 

“We began our humble journey with just six very small Himalayan singing bowls gifted to me. Karl and I soon developed a fascination that grew quickly into an all-embracing passion for sound. We spent the first six months playing these small bowls each day until we added to our collection with a couple of larger bowls. In those heady days, we would sit together and play for 25 hours a week lost in the sound and the transformations that we were experiencing. We never thought to check out how to play them or how anyone else was using sound we just let the sound take us on a journey and we organically grew in our understanding and experience of sound and what it could deliver.

Our sound instrument collection grew with the introduction of gongs, tubular bells, chimes, and crystal bowls. At first, we just played for ourselves until, after a year of our personal immersion someone asked us to play for a group. So began our weekly group sound meditation sessions. People began to have shifts and spontaneous healings themselves in our weekly sound meditations. I realised how utterly profound the effect of the sound was and how it accelerated not only our but others’ personal growth.

Suddenly everything I had learned and experienced on a healing level made absolute sense. It was like sound became the umbrella that everything came together under.  In that moment I decided that this could be a powerful healing modality and from this seed Kyela Sound Therapy was born. It continued to grow and develop and now we teach what we have learned and have our graduates experiencing the same exciting healing and changes in their clients”

 Kyela Sound Therapy looks at each person as an individual with an energy footprint unique to themselves this is what makes the modality stand alone in its efficiency. This has been seen countless times when clients’ physical ailments are healed and balance is restored.

 “One of our clients, a stroke survivor is speaking better than he has for 10 years, and his mobility is improving! Transferring better than he has in two years after a Kyela sonic sound bath” Kneading Synergy

“I wanted to let you know that I hurt my shoulder a few weekends ago in a yoga training I took and nothing I was doing was really helping until your sound healing on Friday. I could literally feel my shoulder repairing during the bath like there were little worker men knitting me back together and my shoulder almost instantaneously felt about 90% better. I couldn’t believe it, so thank you so much, I’m completely blown away” to Vanessa an Advanced graduate

 “It’s been over 2 months since my session with you and Karl. I came to you with very sore back muscles. The therapy did so many amazing things for me on few levels. On physical level, my back healed within 3 days of the therapy, and I could very clearly feel that something was cleared up from my mental or/and emotional level.  And things just started to flow.”  Alana

“I called on Estelle’s expertise for two reasons. First – severe anxiety after the loss of a loved one which caused me endless nights of not being able to switch off and sleep. The second was for hip and leg aching.
The whole experience with Kyela Sound Therapy did not only take away the aching in my hip and leg but dissolved my anxiety, I literally after the sound therapy felt so relaxed and in a calmer place, I was able to sleep that night like a baby and the following day for the first time in weeks. If you have not experienced Sound Therapy before I would highly recommend it. Thank you Estelle for opening my eyes and heart to a truly wonderful experience” To Estelle from Soulavita

 The Australian College of Sound Therapy was established in the beautiful Avon Valley hills just east of Perth as a platform to teach the modality.  The college offers accredited training from Certificate to Advanced Diplomas in Group Sound Meditation and personal one on one Kyela Sound Therapy.

“I am very grateful to have discovered sound and learned from the best in the business. It was life-changing Information and tools that I will use for the rest of my life”

 © Miranda Munro 2019

Kyela and the Australian College of Sound Therapy will be offering Vibrational Sound Bath sessions and the College of Sound Therapy will be on the mainstage at the Conscious Living Expo in2021 November 20-21.

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