Tony Norgrove Auric Healing


Many people now are overloaded with over-thinking and heart palpitations, perpetual tiredness, and not just from low iron, and many feel they are carrying the world on their shoulders, literally!  Tony Norgrove is a clairvoyant, medium, and channel who has received vital information and guidance about how the present escalating stress is affecting the auric field of people and has been given a simple technique to release this.

I’d felt a change in me, now for some few years where I couldn’t shake this heaviness, my mind always easily triggered into fear!  Yet I’d recently become married, finally to my endearing wife, Julie, who was pregnant with our 1st born, son.  Life looked good but avalanches of negative worrying still bombarded me.  I’d by now experienced this most of my life just in different amounts.  But any threat to my security, i.e. change of jobs, or being without a partner for years, would trigger a loneliness issue I’d react to.  I also felt I was opening up and through years of overseas travel, feeling inclusivity of humanity, the good and bad, i.e. a oneness.   However, I wanted to serve but didn’t know how, or where.  I had no idea either how to release my unexplained suffering.  ‘It’ made me feel somehow, I didn’t measure up!

A firm voice then clearly spoke to me, that of a spiritual teacher who’s been guiding me since childhood.

 “Tell them about the Aquarian Age.  Tell them how post 2012  everyone will feel like the world is under siege!  And along with the Earth, so will all its inhabitants.

Give them reference points to explain their emerging despair.   

After 2012 ended as the Mayans said, came the return of Quatzecotyl, the plumed serpent.

This idea may not feel relevant in the Western world today, but how people feel now regardless is!

Many people now are overloaded with overthinking, heart palpitations, perpetual tiredness, and not just from low iron, and many feel they are carrying the world on their shoulders, literally!

“Tell them what we will teach you Tony and how they too, can release this observed ‘heavy matter,’ or stress, from their electromagnetic field, called Aura.

Everyone has one naturally, coloured light all around their body just like Earth.  Only humans have 7 main spinning wheels vertically arranged up the spine which colour the aura differently.  We will show you how to teach others to do these very necessary releases from the chakras. ”

The Clairvoyant will see this stress as possibly black blobs or objects.

Shamans worldwide, going back to antiquity released these heaving feelings using the smudging method or loud drumming.  Then St. Germain 400 years ago, through divine instruction taught a method of release utilizing a violet flame which became world renowned.

We will show you, Tony, that the heaviness has magnified now to unimaginable levels where people question their minds, and rightly so because before an effective and felt release or separation experience, we now call it, tell them don’t believe everything you think.

This heavy stress as visual blobs are encumbrances to feeling joy, happiness, etc.

Much of the joy has for most been replaced with fear – anger – and mistrust.  Look Tony at it like a dog with ticks or fleas!  With sufficient amounts, the animal becomes paralyzed!

This is the intention of humanity’s awakening consciousness to subdue or stop your waking up to these and other controls.

If you want truly to be free, everyone needs to look outside the old paradigm boxes for relief to  the permanent fix we offer, and anyone can do it.”

“Ask them, Tony.  Are they crushed, confused, ungrounded, or depressed enough yet to listen?  The old patriarchal paradigms you see, of controls on the masses, don’t work now having majorly been exposed.  However, what if your symptoms are from the invisible parallel world wrapped around you.  The veils are lifting, people need to look at the bigger picture now that they are spiritual beings having a human experience, not vice versa.  They are soul.

Tony, we have chosen you as our Message Stick. 

Many are not open and ready yet.  However, we offer others a simple screen test to see the reason for ‘others’ resistance.  Historically new ideas have experienced similar mistrust until proven.  Some laughed at penicillin!  We offer as well as a check for heaviness in the aura, an easy clearing or releasement visualization, anyone can do.  We have through the channel finally over 15 years of working with him, a system of energetic plugs that prohibit your sovereignty or thinking via your aura from being compromised again.

This halts needless suffering of overthinking, palpitations, and tiredness.

You will empower many, providing they have the humility of an open heart.  Never before on the planet has this protective shield been developed for the masses. But now is the time.   This can be tested.  The disconnection felt worldwide starts by repairing one happy person at a time. Are you ready Tony?”

“I guess so,” I thought back, “sounds like humanity is passing through a veil,” I thought.  “yes!” “The truth will set you free,” The multidimensional being smiled.

Tony Norgrove has been a popular speaker at the Conscious Living Expo and is a Member of the Conscious Living Holistic Directory.  For more information 

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