Feng Shui Your Way to Abundance


Feng Shui was the buzz around the new age community for some considerable time, but as with all things, slowly moved aside for other trends; for those who embraced the philosophy have utilised its ability to bring abundance, peace and happiness to their lives.

Janine Lowe has been a practitioner and teacher of the philosophy for more than sixteen years helping people to achieve what they desire in their lives, by making simple changes to attract the desirable energy to allow change to occur.

Feng Shui Your Way to Abundance is a well-constructed book on how to go about utilising and understanding Feng Shui, suitable for anyone who is looking for a change, desires a positive outcome and is willing to make the necessary changes in their lives that are required.

She sets out in easy-to-understand language the ‘How,’ practical tools for creating positive change, manifestation and how the process works, illustrated with Client stories. Diagrams help explain the more complex sections, discovering your Birth year and Sign, learning to apply these basic points, all based on the Chinese Astrological Calendar, is a lot of fun.

Lowe walks clearly and concisely through the subject occasionally repeating information that is relevant to the overall concept as you learn to chart your way into Feng Shui.

Entertaining, informative, comprehensive and constructive! Feng Shui Your Way to Abundance is the perfect book for beginners or those who need to refresh their skills. In a time when scarcity is no longer just a word, it is time to begin to discover what abundance in your life means and how to achieve this, by attracting the right energy into your home and life.

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Reviewed By Janet Mawdesley

Author Janine Lowe

Distributor:         Collective Ink
ISBN:                 978-1-80341-674-8
Publisher:           O-Books
Website:             https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/o-books/our-books/feng-shui-your-way-abundance
Facebook:           https://www.facebook.com/janinelowefengshui/




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