Ending Body Burnout: Find Your Spark by Filipa Bellette. PHD


Burnout is a common enough word bandied around society, especially in relation to work, family and a combination of both.

What it really is and how to go about respiring the body and restoring good health is another matter entirely. Burnout is as medial a condition as any other illness, frequently caused by a range of events, issues and the lifestyle led by both men and women.

To be ‘stressed, to be madly busy, to not have one spare moment to oneself is considered as a mark of the modern woman or man, making their way in a world that constantly demands more. Eventually, the body and mind reach a breaking point and begin to object in a variety of illnesses, or that illusive ‘exhaustion’ which is frequently overlooked by GP’s as all the many tests undertaken appear to be normal.

Filipa Bellette had a raft of physical issues that failed any form of diagnosis. Digging deeper, especially during the COVID pandemic, saw her facing up to some serious home truths, some courtesy of her husband, along with her physical and mental health.

What she learned over the weeks and months of discovering what was causing her to feel so depleted, evolved into a pathway to good health. Developing this concept further, she and her husband Chris made the decision to reach out to help others suffering from Body Burnout.

In Ending Body Burnout, she shares not only her journey, but that of many others through a four-step method back to good health, developed with her business partner and husband Chris. This four-step process calls for deep personal honesty, a genuine desire to restore your health and dedication.

With burnout, the areas most affected are the Gut and the Mind the two areas of the body which control pretty much everything related to healthy living. This is explained in detail which helps with understanding what has gone wrong and why.

The entire condition and repair of Burnout is divided into three sections. The entire condition and repair is unpicked and reassembled via three stories of Rose, Hazel and Isla, who are all busy women, juggling work and family commitments. Each woman’s story is analysed, the root causes identified and then a process for beginning to heal the body is presented. Will it work, that is their choice, which in each case is not an easy decision for them to undertake.

The methods presented are far from conventional, but make a huge amount of sense backed by facts and research.

For anyone feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and distressed by their low energy levels, Ending Body Burnout is a serious must-read. Having faced this in her personal life, Filippa can guide you to wellness, through first-hand experience. Read the book, research the information and then commence your journey, restoring your love for life, energy and motivation.

Author                                                     Filipa Bellette. PHD.
Publisher                                                 The Book Reality Experience
ISBN                                                        9781923020108
Website                                                    https://www.amazon.com
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Review By Janet Mawdesley




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