Your Name is Not Anxious by Stephanie Dowick


A very personal guide to putting anxiety in its place!

Stephanie Dowrick is a well-known and trusted author. She is referred to by professional people, as well as those seeking answers to mental health issues.  In Your Name Is Not Anxious she shows us how to tame our fears and anxieties, rather than fight them.  Stephanie’s’ focus on these issues becomes personal, as she watches a member of her family suffer from anxiety issues.

The wonderful news is that this is not a book to grind your way through, but it is set out in chunks of text.  The reader may choose which parts are appropriate for their needs at the time.  There is a section on “Emergency Measures.”  One would refer to this section if a person’s anxiety level were high or a panic attack was imminent.  Moreover, there are chapters such as “Talk to Yourself Like a friend.” Many of us would benefit from reading chapters as effective as this chapter.

Interestingly, the author quotes the Principal of a Steiner School who believes that a “School System that avoids competition and comparison, helps young people to have real confidence in their ability to learn”.  They foster the attitude that learning is a joy in itself.  Challenges are set out for these children, without results and ranking.” There is much information that Parents and Educators may take from these chapters.

As with the best professional and self-help books, the information is set out simply and with a view to answering any questions or concerns about anxiety.  There is an index which covers any issues that the reader may wish to explore more fully.  This topic needs this clear and helpful guide to address this crippling aspect of our society. Stephanie Dowrick has provided this.

Author                                               Stephanie Dowrick.
Publisher                                          Allen and Unwin
ISBN                                                   9781761470066
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Review By Grasshopper2


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