Home Health Thyroid Health – Dr Sandra Cabot talks with Dr Dan

Thyroid Health – Dr Sandra Cabot talks with Dr Dan


In this 20-minute interview, Sandra Cabot MD discusses with Dr Dan, the best holistic strategies to help an underactive thyroid condition (also known as hypothyroidism).

The condition, underactive thyroid gland is most commonly caused by Hashimoto’s Disease. To balance the thyroid gland we need the correct combination of medicines, supplements and diet. Dr Cabot has seen thousands of patients with thyroid problems over her thirty years of research and clinical practice. A “must see’ for anyone with thyroid health issues.

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Depression can be caused by a thyroid problem
By naturopath Margaret Jasinska from Cabot Health

Depression is an increasingly common health problem that is thought to affect one in five Australians. Women experience depression around twice as often as men. This is thought to be due to the effects of female hormones.

There are a number of hormonal factors that predispose women to depression, including menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy and the postpartum period, as well as menopause.

Sometimes an undiagnosed thyroid condition can cause depression.  According to the Thyroid Society, approximately 10 to 15 per cent of people with depression have an undiagnosed thyroid hormone deficiency.

Symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland:

Along with depression, the following may be symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland:

  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy
  • A heavy feeling in the limbs
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of libido
  • Fluid retention
  • Constipation
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Weight gain

Unfortunately, these symptoms often persist for many years before they are traced to an underactive thyroid.  Obviously, there are many possible causes of depression, and thyroid disease is only one of them.  If you do experience these symptoms it is vital you see your doctor because depression can be effectively treated.

Your Thyroid Problems Solved

You could be suffering from a thyroid gland problem. Thyroid disease is far more common than originally thought and thousands of people may be undiagnosed. This well-researched and scientific book gives you holistic guidance in the management of thyroid conditions.

In this book discover

  • All of the blood tests you must have to check your thyroid function
  • Chemicals that impair the thyroid
  • The essential eating plan, foods and nutrients to improve thyroid disorders
  • What to do if you’re taking thyroid medication, but still feel unwell
  • What to do if you’re taking thyroid medication, but still can’t lose weight
  • How to fine-tune thyroid medication
  • Why some people need two types of thyroid replacement
  • Natural thyroid hormone replacement


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