In a split second of time Anton’s life as an everyday teenager was over, changed forever, the imprint of a horrific accident, for which he was responsible, to be with him always in various levels of emotion. A journey from deep distress to acceptance of the many shades of life painted from youth to middle years.
In Brett Cole’s debut novel, The Pink Bubble he takes the story of a tragedy, one of which he was involved in and uses his life experiences, combined with the fictitious Anton on his journey or rather their journey of acceptance.
Anton’s story through depression to the ‘playing fields’ of drugs in Asia, the constant running from rather than facing his trauma sets out a story that is not all that uncommon and therefore resonates deeply. His father was always there to rescue him from his often perilous journey.
His journey is that of every man or any man, and one which Cole has used to great effect as Anton struggles to find some sort of meaning to his life. After a disastrous time spent in Thailand, he returns to Perth to meet Paige, and have a beautiful daughter, Rose, only to separate sometime later which once again places him on yet another downward spiral.
Cole hopes that by writing this story he is able to reach out to those who have trodden a similar pathway and shows that with the right help and support, which has to be accepted, there can be a positive outcome.
Part biography, part storytelling, Brett Cole took twenty years to complete the story which was written in segments over that period of time; part cathartic, part acceptance and part fulfilling a desire to write a book – something he had always desired.
Author Brett Cole
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Reviewed By Ian BanksÂ