Plant Spirit Medicine is one of the most useful books to have arrived on the Healing booklist this year. Nicola McIntosh has put her many years of practice as a healer and herbalist into book format, carefully constructed to appeal to both the beginner herb nerd, and the more accomplished practitioner.
She says from the first page, that this is a book about doing things with nature’s abundance, with a little factual backup which will appeal to the seeker looking for a way to ease the stress of modern-day life without resorting to a quick short term fix.
Over the years Nicola has qualified in both Western and Chinese Herbal Medicine. While studying she realised there was something missing which was the spiritual connection to the plants, a connection that made her love of things herbal come alive.
As the chapters unfold the knowledge is presented in a gentle, informative manner with personal anecdotes dotted throughout, along with lessons learned and when required a word of caution. Beautiful photography helps break the sections up, highlighting the information contained in the pages, which also adds to the journey of discovery.
Many of the chapters also have simple exercises to encourage a better style of communication with nature, allowing grounding and healing to commence.
Understanding and working with Spirit Plant Medicine is not something that can be done in a hurry as it is a whole-body experience, from collecting the required herbs, working with the plant spirit through body and mind, and allowing healing to commence.
An excellent chapter on the Law relating to the use of herbal medicines and plant identification is one which, should you be taking this journey for the first time, not be skipped but carefully read and understood, especially if you are considering using the herbal tinctures and ointments on a commercial basis.
Basically, the simple truth is plants and their amazing ability to heal have always played a very important role throughout the ages. Somehow over time, we have lost touch with this element of our very being and it is time to begin to reconnect.
Nicola McIntosh, by creating this beautifully presented guide, Plant Spirit Medicine, is holding out a hand saying, now perhaps more than ever, it is time to begin to reconnect, to balance our lives with simple measures; to learn to reconnect to our untapped resources: to take the time to slow down and really do begin to enjoy ‘smelling the roses’, in your life.
Author                    Nicola McIntosh
Publisher                                  Rockpool Publishers
ISBNÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 9781925924732
Website                                    https://www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au
Released                                  March 2022
Review By Janet MawdesleyÂ