Open Window by Michelle Qureshi


After a break of some time, renowned guitarist Michelle Qureshi is back with the first track of her forthcoming EP, Open Window which was released in March this year, with the second track set for an April release.

Distinctive in the clear notes of the acoustic guitar, Qureshi begins a journey into reflection and relaxation which is both soft, gentle and yet strong; full of the gentle flow of life, the single track is delightful. Subtle overtones of different styles are encapsulated within the single piece which when listened to with care, makes an interesting interlude within a day.

Michelle Qureshi is an Award winning classically trained guitarist, who has used her immense talent to create reflective, intriguing pieces that always have a distinctly ‘improv’ element which adds a certain intrigue or fresh perspective to each song.

Qureshi also specializes in Harmonic Sound Immersion to relax, heal and restore the body, mind and soul. With Open Window this gentle healing is very apparent with the unobtrusive addition of synthetic padding, as it offers a new window to step or peer through, into a fresh new world.

Distributor                     Soundcloud
Released                        March 2023
Artists                            Michelle Qureshi
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Review By Janet Mawdesley May 5, 2023, 2:16 Pm


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