Looking back over 2018 you may ask yourself: was I successful at all?
It is the time of the year when we tend to look back at our business, our relationships, family and finances. It is a moment of reflection, well that’s what we tell ourselves, because we don’t always like what we see.
There are two types of reflections. One that mirrors back to you the image you hold the other is cast by a shadow, a blocking of light, so what is seen is the absence of light.
When we reflect on the year and start to compare and judge what we believe we have not achieved, we often do so in the absence of light. We look at the lack, the part that is not quite good enough, or does not measure up in the way we think it should.
This type of reflection robs you of joy, takes from the truth of what you have done, and stops you from seeing the light and the true mirroring of what was.
When we look at what we have achieved in our business, our connections with others, our families and loved ones, we do so to give thanks, rather than to beret ourselves in the shadows.
Seeing you as you are, strong, beautiful, standing in all that is given to you, giving and receiving from the energetic flow that is all things. This is a true reflection.
As you begin to plan the new year, set your goals and map out the way forward, perhaps it is time to claim back your power over your success and free yourself energetically from the expectations of others and stand only in the flow of what is yours to stand in. Planning from that space, will empower your thoughts and actions, and create the life and business you desire to have.
Rochelle McDonnell is the founder of Jewel House, Jewel House Publishing, and Rochelle McDonnell Transformation Coaching.  After experiencing a profound healing which changed her life she has been receiving guided messages which she combines with  practical tools of business and the energetic intuitive to support her clients in creating a life and business that is on purpose, connected, filled with ease, direction, guidance, and flowing in the abundance that that meets every need.
She is the author of several books and programs including the Weaving, Journey of Soul, Intuitive Business Mastery, Grow Connect Profit, Activation Meditations for Health & Wellness.
For further information visit https://rochellemcdonnell.com/