Is it time to get an attitude adjustment?


Our attitudes are often formed early in our lives, based on what we learn from our environment. Everything we think, say, feel and do stems from our attitudes, which then affects all aspects of our lives. Most people will regularly update their computer software as more useful programs come along. Very few people do regular attitude updates, hence they still operate unconsciously out of the attitudes they formed before the age of 7! Habitual thoughts and behaviours are continuously imprinted back into our psyche creating our same old reality.

By becoming aware of dominant underlying attitudes you can begin to sift through and find the ones that support you and also find the ones which limit you. Then you are free to choose new ones and dump outdated ones.

Attitudes are something we choose!

Attitudes are often tied up with perspective and how we view the world – our lenses and filters which we created to assist us to uphold our chosen attitude. Either consciously or unconsciously, we chose them to serve us in the first place. This means we are the ones who can choose something different. This puts US firmly back in the driver’s seat where we belong. Doesn’t that just make you want to really do an attitude audit right there?

I’m sure you’ve heard some of these common questions around perspective.

  • Is the glass half full or half empty?
  • Are you focusing on what you want or what you don’t want?
  • Let’s ponder some of your attitudes.
  • What do you believe you are capable of achieving?
  • What do you believe you are not able to achieve?
  • Which beliefs are supporting your growth?
  • Which beliefs are holding you back?
  • What habitual thoughts are you having and how do they affect your life?
  • Do you find yourself more often in joy or misery?
  • What attitudes do you reckon the truly successful and/or happy people have?

This week monitor your own attitudes, your thoughts, your feelings, your reactions to situations, your behaviours and what you are telling yourself. If you find yourself slipping into thoughts or feelings that aren’t really supportive of where you want to be, stop, take a breath, align to what you really want (highest, clearest, brightest), centre yourself back in your Heart and choose again.

Belinda Baillie is Faculty Head of the Insight Foundation’s Global Coaching Academy. For more information about mentoring and coaching, visit




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