How the Medicinal Discoveries of The Hemp Plant Are Transforming Women’s HealthÂ
by Sherrill Sellman
There’s no doubt about it. Women are much more challenged when it comes to their hormonal and over all health, than men. In fact, women are four times more likely to have migraines, anxiety, Irritable Bowel Disease and Fibromyalgia.
There is a new understanding of why women are more vulnerable. It all has to do with our Endocannbindoid System and the fact that women are three times more vulnerable to an Endocannabinoid deficiency than men.
If you are asking exactly what is the Endocannbindoid System, you are not alone. But it will soon be more widely known as one of the most important systems in our body.
A major discovery occurred in the 1990’s that would change not only the understanding of our own physiology, but also reveal one of nature’s most powerful healing plants, agricultural hemp.
It began with the research into the cannabis plant which the led to discovery of an entirely new system in the body called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and the revelation of the immense healing potential of the non-psychoactive component of the hemp plant.
We have Dr. Raphael Muchoulam to thank for this groundbreaking discovery.   Dr. Muchoulam, an Israeli organic chemist, professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and pioneer in the field of cannabis research is considered one of the giants of cannabis research.  For the past 50 years, he and his team have succeeded in discovering the major plant cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol,) and Hemp Extract  (cannabidiol).
According to Dr. Mechoulam, “By using a plant that has been around for thousands of years, we discovered a new physiological system of immense importance. We wouldn’t have been able to get there if we had not looked at the plant.â€
Why is there such excitement among scientists and health practitioners?  It turns out that the ECS is a primordial language that nerves and brain cells use to communicate. From womb to tomb, across countless generations, the Endocannabinoid System guides and protects all vital physiological processes.
 What’s the Big Deal about The Endocannabinoid System?
 The ECS is possibly the single most important system within our entire body.  It is responsible for maintaining a process called homeostasis. Basically, if our ECS is out-of-whack, the health of our entire body could be at risk.
There is one biological principle that is essential for maintaining a healthy functioning body.  That principle is called homeostasis.
Homeostasis means that biological systems are actively regulated to maintain conditions within a narrow, healthy range. The intelligence of the body insures that critical functions are always in proper balance. For instance, our body doesn’t want its temperature to be too hot or too cold, or blood sugar levels too high or too low. Conditions need to be just right for our cells to be functioning optimally.  Without this perfect, rather narrow range of regulation, we would die.
As it turns out, that is exactly the job of the ECS. It is a vital molecular system for helping to maintain homeostasis—it insures that cells stay in their “Goldilocks†zone of just right at all times.
The ECS insures that the communication between all the biological systems is working perfectly. Some of processes the ECS controls include: pain perception, gastrointestinal motility, memory, sleep, response to stress, anxiety, depression, bone repair, growth of new brain cells, reduction of excessive inflammation, regulation of hormonal systems, fertility, protection from strokes and other neurodegenerative problems.
The ECS regulates the homeostasis of the following functions:
- Appetite
- Metabolism
- Pain
- Sleep
- Mood
- Movement
- Temperature
- Memory and learning
- Immune function
- Inflammation
- Neural development
- Neuroprotection
- Cardiovascular function
- Digestion
- Reproduction
This is why the ECS is such a big deal!
Every important physiological function of our body is regulated and kept in balance by a properly functioning ECS.
Hemp Extract, the Non-Psychoactive Molecule in the Cannabis Plant
Cannabinoids are the chemical molecules that communicate with the ECS. There are two types of cannabinoid molecules. One type is made by the body the other kind comes form pants, such as the cannabis plant.
Hemp Extract is the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant that is totally legal in Australia.  It works its healing effect by indirectly increasing the activity of ECS receptors.  Hemp Extract activates receptors in the body’s system that has to do with pain, perception and inflammation.
This is really good news when it comes to women’s health challenges.
Hemp Extract and Women’s Health
Hemp Extract is a valuable natural support for the many health and hormonal issues that particularly affect women.
The following are some of the ways that Hemp Extract can help to support women to address many of the health issues as well as regain their health.
- Eases Premenstrual Symptoms
 Hemp Extract is able to lessen or alleviate all the major PMS symptoms including reducing inflammation that contributes to headaches/migraines, menstrual cramps, upset stomachs, and physical sensitivities. Hemp Extract naturally elevates mood, balancing mood swings and   reducing depression and anxiety. It also enhances deep sleep.
- Enhances Fertility
The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating a broad range of physiological processes including reproductive fertility.
- Eases Perimenopausal and Menopausal Symptoms
The ECS regulates the endocrine system. Symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause are related to an Endocannabinoid deficiency. Estrogen levels are linked to endocannabinoid levels. Since the ECS also regulates body temperature, it helps with hot flashes and night sweats. It also supports other symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause, such as moods, sleep, pain, cognitive impairment and low energy.
Hemp Extract can help to balance hormonal levels, including oestrogen, by restoring proper ECS tone.
The endocannabinoid system also helps to regulate bone loss seen after menopause. The CB2 cannabinoid receptor is found in bone cells and when there are fewer coded CB2 receptors after menopause, it leads to osteoporosis.
- Helps Prevent Osteoporosis and Builds Bone
 Hemp Extract activates cannabinoid receptor that balances the bone remodeling process. It can help prevent bone loss. The ECS heals fractures and promotes the development of new bone tissues.
- Helps to Prevent Breast Cancer and Reduce Treatment Symptoms
Research has shown that evidence that CBD effectively kills breast-cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. Studies show that Hemp Extract may support apoptosis (programmed cell death that rids the body of old and damaged cells.
Hemp Extract has been proven to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. It increases appetite, decreases nausea, and promotes restful sleep, all of which supports healing.
- Reduces Autoimmune Diseases
Women comprise 75% of patients diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Fortunately, new research suggests that Hemp Extract may be an effective treatment for the symptoms of autoimmune disorders. It also helps to calm an overactive immune system, limiting the production of the pro-inflammatory molecules.
- Provides Reliefs for Anxiety and Depression
Women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety disorders. One recent study showed that Hemp Extract lessened anxiety and distress when taken just before an anxiety-provoking public speaking performance. While Hemp Extract has been proven to combat social anxiety disorder, it can also help to quickly alleviate general anxiety symptoms.
Hemp Extract has now also been found to be able to successfully and effectively treat depression.
- Helps with Chronic Pelvic Pain
Hemp Extract reduces chronic pain by lowering inflammation. Conditions such as endometriosis are also considered to be an autoimmune condition, which is helped with Hemp Extract.
The understanding that women are vulnerable to an endocannabinoid deficiency, opens an entirely new possibility for a healing by using Hemp Extract. Due to stress, excessive stimulation of the nervous system from WIFI devices, nutritional deficiencies and toxicity, our ECS is under duress.
Thanks to the research that as once again revealed what the ancient cultures have known for millennia, the Hemp Extract from the cannabis plant is transforming health.
Sherrill Sellman, ND is the bestselling author for Hormone Heresy: What Women MUST Know About Their Hormones, radio host, psychotherapist, international lecturer and women’s health expert. Her latest book is Hemp Health Revolution: The A-Z Health Benefits of Hemp Extract.