Eirlandia by Jeff Johnson and Brian Dunning


In this beautiful and all too brief recording, Jeff Johnson and Brian Dunning have created something rather magical, otherworldly and immensely enjoyable.  Well known for their contemporary Celtic sound the duo have once again delivered, with Eirlandia, a delightful fantasy collection based on a novel from bestselling author Stephen R Lawhead, In the Region of Summer Stars – Book 1 of the Eirlandia series.

This collaboration between author and musicians is not a new concept as the duo has previously worked with Lawhead to create musicscapes based on several of his other fantasy works of fiction.

The introduction to the collection Eirlandia, immediately introduces the Celtic measure with gentle and yet deep drumming, synonymous with this this style of music, the piano, voice and flutes join together to begin building a sense of wonder.

Tir na nOg is a reflective and gentle piece, touching gently on the slightly deeper essence of the formation of the storyline using a combination of flute, strings, and piano. Mystique is added in A Wonder Voyage of which fans of Lawhead will easily relate, and lovers of music will totally enjoy.

As the album unfolds the music draws you deeper into the world of fantasy, where there is black and white, mystery and mystique, good and bad; a world where dwarfs, pixies, faeries and their kin abound.

Tara Hill may have been written with the inspiration of Hill Of Tara located near the River Boyne, an archaeological complex that runs between Navan and Dunshaughlin in County Meath, Ireland, in mind, as it captures the very essence of things gone before and perhaps still present in today’s world.

The final track The Kingdom of All Tomorrows commences with a haunting introduction with the flute that collects the many threads of the story, weaving them into a conclusion, leaving behind the suggestion that more is yet to come.

Music, as it is often said, is simply telling a story through a different medium, one which envelops the senses and allows the mind to create its own script. Although this collection of songs has been scripted to complement a novel, there is without doubt, for those who are not readers of fantasy, plenty of space to create their own magic.

Celtic music in all its many forms always enchants and when created by the masters of contemporary Celtic music, Jeff Johnson and Brian Dunning, it holds something a little bit magical, something very special, and something a little extra, the ability to help heal the wounds of life.

Title:                     Eirlandia
Artists/s:             Jeff Johnson and Brian Dunning
Web:                     www.thesmoothjazzride.com

Reviewed by Jan Mawdesley from Bluewolf Reviews

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