A Sense of Distance by Holland Phillips


Multi Award winning Contemporary New Age Pianist Holland Phillips released his twelfth album A Sense of Distance in July 2024 to high acclaim.

This is an album of contrasts. The gentle melodies are interspersed with stronger more thoughtful moments within the construction of the piece.

Perseus Rising is an intriguing title to a beautiful and captivating song, which introduces the Album. Greek Mythology has it that Perseus killed Medusa. He then rescued Andromeda whom he then marries, which in itself suggests this delicate song is in tribute to the happiness felt by a young couple who overcame great odds.

Beyond the Veil is a song that should be absorbed with eyes closed as its vibration resonates deeply and when followed by Enchantments creates a magical moment in time. Beyond the Veil is deeper, and thoughtful whereas Enchantments returns the soul to earthly constraints with a light touch.

Changing the mood yet again the captivating A Sense of Distance is one of light elements gathered together to give that ‘sense ‘of space, a mood contrast but one of joyful contemplation at arm’s distance.

Imagine being able to fly freely through the skies, swooping, diving, tumbling and rolling through space without constraint, to simply live in a very intimate moment. Flying Solo takes you there. A most beautiful song.

All good things must come to a finale and For The Love Of It, gently draws this latest and most delightfully relaxing album to a perfect close. Why do we do certain things in our lives, purely because we can, for the love of it, nothing more this sentiment has been perfectly encompassed in this song

A Sense of Distance is charming, enchanting, gentle and soothing, capturing the myriad of emotions we all contemplate daily with a deep sense of grace and acceptance.

Artist(s)              Holland Phillips

Website              https://hollandphillips.bandcamp.com/album/a-sense-of-distance

Reviewed by      Janet Mawdesley       September 19, 2024


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