What She Said


The Art of Inspiring Others Through Art

 Inspirational Speeches by Women

What She Said is a powerhouse book. Anyone who has to make a speech, no matter what their standing, the reason or the audience size, should ensure they obtain a copy.

Monica Lunin has correlated 40 speeches made by women over the past 400 years, extracted the lessons they contain and exactly how they have used their voices, their message, to herald change. 

Throughout history, women have always been the lesser when it comes to public, powerful oratory, but in today’s world this gap is decreasing, with women holding powerful roles, unafraid to speak out, to use their position to demand change happen.

Queen Elizabeth 1, a woman who became Queen after the reign of the infamous Henry VIII, in sixteenth century England, in a short but powerful speech to her troops, made them feel they were the most important people to her, that their role was tantamount to hers at that point in time; the eve of her troops assembling to take on the might of the Spanish Armada. Her message was clear to all as she raised the men from conscripted fighters to noble and worthy subjects. Powerful indeed.

Florence Nightingale has a timeless lesson in her speech to Nurses about making sure everything is done to the very best of their ability in What Makes A Good Nurse.  Michelle Obamas speech as The First Lady of America, was to an audience of approximately 50,000 people as she spoke out in support of Hillary Clinton’s Democratic nomination to run for President. She received a standing ovation for her words; while at times a little hesitant and unsure, her speech was filled with genuine emotion and understanding.

As the ten sections unfold there is Julia Gillard’s Misogyny Speech, in which she lost her famous calm approach and dressed down Tony Abbott, then the Leader of the Opposition, in a manner that left him and the House, in no misunderstanding of what she meant.

Greta Thunberg’s Our House Is On Fire, presented to the World Economic Forum in 2019 was an incredible moment in time. At the age of 16 years she spoke eloquently, powerfully, using many subtle but powerful techniques to captivate her audience and in doing so, set off a movement for climate change that circled the world; slowed only by the advent of COVID -19.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, black, American and a lawyer rose to become one of the most respected women in America. Her argument in the landmark case of Fronterio v’s Richardson still resonates today. 

Emily Pankhurst, headed the suffragette movement and used whatever tactics she felt the occasion demanded, to bring the vote to women. Angela Merkel spoke on the importance of the world being united to ensure another tragedy, such as World War 2, was never able to reoccur.

Jacinata Arden’s speech after the horror of the Christchurch Massacre resonated across the world, calling out the men who plan such terrible, senseless acts of violence for their fleeting moment of fame and binding all the many people of New Zealand into one Nation.

Each of the speeches is broken down into What She Said, and How She Did That, which adds a fresh perspective on words which have, without doubt, changed the world in which we live, even if only a little.

The final speech is from Maya Angelou who was chosen to speak at the inauguration of Bill Clinton into the role of President of the United States in 1993. A poet and author, she was noted for speaking out on things she felt mattered. Her words, in poetic format had to be carefully chosen to reflect the highest intentions of Clinton and show how he intended to lead.  A Rock, A River, A Tree is well worth reading and reflecting on the power of words when carefully selected and delivered.

Whether you are to address a very small group or a massive audience, What She Said should be considered essential reading. Even if you are not about speak publicly, reading the selected 40 speeches shows the trajectory of the powerful, ever increasing voice of women, young and old, world-wide, calling for change; demanding change.

Author                    Monica Lunin
Publisher                Wiley
ISBN                       9780730399834
Distributor              Wiley
Released                 March 2022

Review By Janet Mawdesley 

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