Water of Life


Belgium born composer Kerani, has with her latest release Waters of Life created a classical world of dreams and hope, of rebirth, new life and cleansing which was inspired by a project she had been working on with her German based Publisher.

Her eighth concept album is once again exquisite in detail, seductive and beautiful, the music drawing you into a world that is based on the majesty and mystery that is water, the life giving force known to all.

Each of the ten tracks is subtle, rich and tempts the mind with seductive vibration into the world of majesty. The beautiful Sunset Lake sees her on piano backed by gentle layers of strings, once again creating an exquisitely delicate soundscape reminiscent of an evening spent watching the sun settle over a body of water; a time when magic touches the earth as painted by an angelic artist.

But water, while it can be a life giving force also has a stronger side in that, in a mere moment in time, it can change to a tumultuous force, magnificent in its power and clamorous decent before gentling once again, to continue on its journey; this capriciousness has been captured perfectly in Cascade.

Listen very carefully to Ocean Tides as the many layers paint well the depth of the ocean, the mystery of what lies beneath the surface, deep within the watery depth; the hint of sunshine over the dancing waves lightens the piece, before a more complex section creates the eternally capricious movement of the tides and waves well known to all who travel the oceans of the world.

Beginning with The Water of Life and ending with the The Waters of Life – epilogue, creates the perfect conclusion to a journey that has captured Kerani in a mellow, almost in some pieces, pensive mood, as she captures with her delicate trademark, the life giving force that is water.

Taster sound tracks are available on the official web page. 

Website                                                      https://kerani-official.com/
Distributor                                                  Kerani Music
Released                                                    March 2022
Artists                                                        Kerani

Review By Janet Mawdesley 

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