Vaginal Dryness – The Most Embarrassing Feminine Health Problem 


Women have come a long way when it comes to discussing their more intimate health issues. But there is still one problem that women are shy  to talk about, even with their doctor.

I’m talking about vaginal dryness, also known as vaginal atrophy.

This is a condition that causes the lining of the Vaginal tissue to  become very thin and is accompanied by a lack of mucosal lubrication.  This problem can , and often does, cause painful sex.  Without  proper lubrication, there is also an increased risk of urinary tract infections as well as other vaginal health issues.

While this  is a problem affecting up to 50 percent  of postmenopausal women.  In fact, nearly half of all women over the age 40 have suffer from vaginal dryness at some point in their lives. In some cases, due to illness or other health challenges, younger women may discover that the have this problem.

It is so prevalent, that two-thirds of women over the age of 60, list vaginal dryness as one of the top two sexual health problems along with lack of libido. 

I didn’t know anything about this condition, until I started to experience discomfort and pain with sexual intercourse in my early forties. In fact, to be totally honest, having  sex felt more like being scrubbed with sandpaper.  (Even now I cringe with the thought!)

It took me some time to realize that the extreme stress that I was going through was having a profound  adverse effect on my hormones.  This hormone dysregulation resulted in a hormone in balance that have that Had  dryness is one of the symptoms. 

Down the track,  I became a naturopathic doctor focusing on women’s health. I realised  that this was a complaint shared by so many of my patients.

Why is this a problem?

First of all,  without adequate lubrication, sexual intercourse becomes uncomfortable and even painful. Because vaginal dryness is often accompanied by thinning of the vaginal tissue, it can result in lesions or tears of the vaginal wall. In addition, drying out of the mucosal membranes increases the risk of incontinence, bladder infections and urinary tract infections. Lack of vaginal lubrication can also make women vulnerable to contracting a vaginal infection called bacterial vaginosis.  And here is one other problem, without proper mucosal lubrication, the health-promoting microbiome of the vagina is altered. 

The most common signs and symptoms of vaginal dryness include irritation and pain during sex, itching and stinging around the vaginal opening and in the lower third of the vagina and urinary tract infections. Another symptom is the occurrence of bleeding or spotting during sex or other times as a result of  tearing of the  thin vaginal tissue. 

A Road Map of Vaginal Lubrication 

 Vaginal lubrication consists of clear mucus that seeps through the walls of the blood vessels encircling the vagina. When you’re sexually aroused, more blood moves to your pelvic organs, creating more lubricating vaginal mucus. But due to hormonal changes at perimenopause, menopause, childbirth, and even breast-feeding, this natural physiological process may be altered. Healthy vaginal walls are always coated in a thin layer of this moisture and mucus. Without adequate lubrication, vaginal tissues become dry, thin and prone to tearing.

Changes in vaginal moisture also occur in response to low oestrogen levels. Oestrogen is essential in keeping vaginal tissue supple and elastic. Adequate oestrogen levels give the tissue its ability to produce slippery-smooth lubrication. Anytime a woman’s oestrogen level is altered, for whatever reason including a hysterectomy or impaired ovarian function, vaginal thinning and dryness may occur.

Perimenopause and menopause are stages in a woman’s life cycle when oestrogen levels may be fluctuating. Oestrogen production can also be affected after childbirth and during breast-feeding. There are many issues can alter the normal production of moisture. For instance, stressful situations, whether physical or emotional, constrict blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the vaginal tissue. 

A woman’s nutritional status an also contribute to vaginal changes.  Maintaining healthy vaginal secretions and vaginal elasticity require adequate key nutrients such as essential fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and B.

Most women don’t realise that certain medications can have side effects that directly alter vaginal secretions. There is a long list of Medications  that cause the drying out of vaginal mucosal membranes. They include steroid/cortisone drugs, cancer treatments, tamoxifen, aromatase-inhibitors, antihistamines, antidepressants, as well as ulcer and high blood pressure medications. 

One little known side effect of hormonal contraceptives is reduced vaginal lubrication. The alteration of natural hormone production from taking the Pill has many consequences. Lack of healthy vaginal moisture can be one of them.

Commercial Lubricants-A Bad Idea 

Many women turn to commercial lubricants when they become aware they are dealing with vaginal dryness. But beware! The chemicals ingredients can irritate the delicate vagina tissue. Potential problem ingredients include fragrances, the antibacterial agent chlorhexidine, propylene glycol, glycerin, and a group of preservatives called parabens, (often listed as methyl-, butyl-, ethyl- and propyl-paraben). Some lubricants such as K-Y Jelly and Replens can alter the pH balance of the vagina, which would increase the risk of certain vaginal infections. 

The Problem of Vaginal Oestrogen Creams 

Since it is the hormone oestrogen that causes the vagina to thicken and moisten, the medical approach is often to prescribe an oestrogen vaginal cream. However, when oestrogen is applied in the vagina, it can be quickly absorbed into the blood stream and transported to other tissues. In fact, both vaginal applications of Premarin and Estrace raise your blood levels of oestrogen much the same as oestrogen pills. Oestriol is another form of oestrogen that is often prescribed to women. While considered a safer form of oestrogen, it still requires a doctor’s prescription and is expensive.

The Creation of Hygeena – The Ultimate Vaginal Healing and Rejuvenation Formula

For years I have listened to so many women complain about this embarrassing issue.  They shared that vaginal dryness was seriously affecting their sexual relationships.  Some reported that vaginal atrophy was making them more susceptible to recurrent urinary tract infections.  For others, they felt uncomfortable just walking or even sitting.

Looking for solutions, I discovered that there were very few natural and effective products available anywhere.  So, I was overjoyed when I finally had the opportunity to formulate a vaginal suppository  that has been proven to promote vaginal healing and rejuvenation.  It is all natural and without chemicals or preservatives. 

This was how Hygeena was born!

Hygeena – The Ultimate Vaginal Healing and Rejuvenation Formula

When it comes to healing delicate vaginal tissue and restoring healthy lubrication, it is vitally important to choose a natural, organic product. You especially want to use one that is specifically formulated to effectively and safely resolve the problem of dryness, thinning vaginal tissue, lack of lubrication, and risk of fungal or bacterial infections. 

Hygeena, the first all-natural, hormone-free and comprehensive formula, not only heals but also restores healthy vaginal tissues, lubrication, and vaginal imbalances. It is the best solution for providing overall vaginal rejuvenation. 

Hygeena has been carefully formulated with a unique synergy of six all-natural, organic and non-toxic ingredients that have been proven to heal, repair, lubricate and rejuvenate vaginal tissue as well as restore a healthy vaginal environment. And the best part is, it is easily administered as a vaginal suppository! 

Pueraria Mirifica  

Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that grows in Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia. For over 100 years, Pueraria Mirifica has been used in traditional Thai medicine to promote youthfulness and rejuvenation in women. It has phytoestrogen benefits on vaginal tissue, including alleviating vaginal dryness and painful urination, improving vaginal atrophy, and restores thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls. Pueraria mirifica\a, as a phytoestrogen, promotes estrogenic effects but without any of the health risks associated with the prescribed estrogen hormone.   Hygeena is formulated with Puresterol®, a patented extract of Pueraria Mirifica.1 

Hyaluronic Acid  

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a natural compound produced in the body. It is a real superstar when it comes to rejuvenation. It has the unique ability to attract and retain more than 1000 times its weight in water. Thus, hyaluronic acid enables cells to retain moisture which keeps the tissues moist and hydrated.  As we age, HA levels diminish, and cells lose their ability to hold moisture. That translates into a loss of elasticity. HA is phenomenal at penetrating the skin’s layers where it affects tissue repair and protection while boosting elasticity and hydration. Another important feature of HA is its ability to transport nutrients from the blood directly to skin cells. All these benefits make hyaluronic acid a powerful ingredient in Hygeena to reverse vaginal dryness and revitalize vaginal tissue! 

Omega 7’s (Sea Buckthorn oil)

Sea buckthorn oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy against various ailments. It is extracted from the berries, leaves and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant (Hippophae rhamnoides), which is a small shrub that grows at high altitudes in the northwest Himalayan region.  Sea Buckthorn oil showed beneficial effects on vaginal health, helping to improve mucosal integrity and vaginal atrophy. A lack of essential fatty acids in the diet is a contributing factor to vaginal dryness. There is a very specific essential fatty acid derived from sea buckthorn oil that helps women to alleviate vaginal dryness.

Sea Buckthorn oil contains beta carotene, trace minerals, omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids and additionally is the richest source of omega 7 essential fats. Omega 7 essential fatty acids are important structural components of mucous membranes which form the protective lining of internal organs such as the vaginal, digestive and respiratory tracts, as well as the surface of the eyes and mouth. Sea Buckthorn oil not only promotes healthy regeneration of these membranes but also provides nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the membranes in the vaginal tract.  In a study conducted by The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Finland, it was concluded that sea buckthorn oil was a natural and effective solution to contributing to the health of mucous membranes including vaginal dryness 


The patented SilverBiotics® with SilverSol Technology® is a unique and highly effective form of silver, known as nano-silver. Throughout the ages, silver has been renowned for its anti-microbial effects. SilverSol Nano-Silver Technology® is the most effective form of silver ever created. It far surpasses either colloidal or ionic forms of silver for potency. It has been clinically tested and demonstrated that it is totally safe and has no known side-effects.  Silver Biotics® liquid has been scientifically proven to quickly kill harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungus. The good news is that it will not cause antibiotic resistance or alteration of healthy vaginal microflora. In addition to its lubricating and anti-microbial effects, it is also able to quickly reduce inflammation, itching, pain and burning while at the same time accelerating tissue repair and healing. Studies have demonstrated that in just ten minutes, it successfully killed Candida!  The broad-spectrum nature of SilverBiotics® also helps to prevent urinary tract infections that are caused by vaginal bacteria by stopping the migration into the urinary tract.

Natural Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)  

Vitamin E oil has proven effective in relieving symptoms of combat dryness, vaginal atrophy and soothes irritation. Research suggests that the topical form of this vitamin helps skin hold on to water, a key factor not only in softness but in healthy, resilient skin. 

Aloe Vera  

Aloe Vera is used in the place of water as the base for hydration and as an anti-inflammatory star. Its benefits are due to a combination of a very wide range of ingredients including Vitamins A and B, proteins, amino acids, good fatty acids and triglycerides. Its medicinal properties eliminate harmful bacteria, help dilate capillaries and increase blood flow, as well as helping to relieve pain and itching. 

How to Use Hygiene Vaginal Suppositories 

Carefully remove and discard the covering. Insert the suppository like you would a tampon. You can use your fingers and push it up until you can’t feel it anymore.  Ideally, insert the suppository before bedtime.  It can be used at other times of the day, if required.  Once introduced, it dissolves within 10-15 minutes and achieves its soothing effect entirely unnoticed. you should remain lying down to prevent the suppository from dropping out, until it is fully dissolved. 

For acute conditions, you can use one suppository every 12 hours.  It is also recommended to wear a panty liner, especially during the day as there may be mild discharge.

Depending on the severity, you could also use one half of the suppository at night.  As vaginal tissues heal, you might want to use a suppository or one half of a suppository every other day or two. Use it as needed.  

A container of Hygeena has 15 suppositories.  Depending on how frequently you need to use the suppositories, a jar can last between 15 days and two months. 

Hygeena is, by far, the best all-natural, gentle vaginal healing and rejuvenation ever formulated. 

The Natural Solution for Vaginal Healing, Restoration and Rejuvenation 

The healing power of nature is profound. As women journey through the many stages of life, nature has provided solutions to support health, vitality, and healing. This is also true for the changes that cause hormones to fluctuate. Vaginal dryness and tissue atrophy can occur during many stages of life, either as a transitory problem or as a symptom of deeper hormonal shifts. 

Hygeena truly is an elixir for vaginal health. It can help women regain sexual pleasure as well as vaginal health.  Hygeena’s unique formula incorporating Pueraria Mirifica, Hyaluronic Acid, SilverBiotics®, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Natural Vitamin E and Aloe vera has provided some of Nature’s most healing gifts to support women to be healed, revitalized, and rejuvenated throughout their lifetime.

Conscious Living has a limited supply of Hygeena at a specially reduced price for our readers.  ORDER HERE 


1. ManonaiJ1,ChittacharoenA,TheppisaiU,TheppisaiH.,EffectofPueraria  mirifica on vaginal health Menopause. 2007 Sep-Oct;14(5):919-24. DOI: 10.1097/gme.0b013e3180399486
2. LarmoPS1,YangB2,HyssäläJ3,KallioHP2,ErkkolaR4.,Effectsofsea buckthorn oil intake on vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Maturitas. 2014 Nov;79(3):316-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2014.07.010 

Dr Sellman is an international author, psychotherapist, women’s health advocate and seminar presenter. Through her books including Hormone Heresy—What Women Must Know About Their Hormones, lectures, and seminars, she has empowered women all over the world to make more educated and informed choices about their health.  


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