The Power of Inner Transformation by Antonia Ruhl


Spiritual growth and development are a lifelong journey. Actually, it extends over many lifetimes. It is the journey of the soul.

Along the journey, we face many obstacles and challenges. Sometimes it feels like we are going backwards on our journey and sometimes we go through prolonged periods of feeling stuck.

Then there are the rare but powerful experiences of profound transformation. Experiences that propel us forward in leaps and bounds. Sometimes they involve a period of accelerated growth and sometimes it involves a U-turn to get us back on track.

Every transformation is a powerful and unforgettable experience. Sometimes it feels like a higher power took the steering wheel and corrected our life path.

While every transformational experience is unique there is one common factor to all of them. They all involve a profound inner shift, whether it is a change of mindset, a belief change, or a shedding of trauma and unresolved emotions from the past.

When there is a profound change in our inner world then the outer world must adjust, sometimes this occurs virtually instantaneously while other times it involves a longer process, but the adjustment to our outer world is inevitable once the inner world has been transformed.

What causes these major transformational experiences and why don’t we have them more often? After all our spiritual growth would be greatly accelerated.

The answer to this question is as unique as every individual is. Every soul journey is unique in its own way.

We can, however, observe patterns in human behaviour. Major change and transformation usually involve a major decision. Sometimes life circumstances seem to choose for us, but the truth is we are always the decision makers, sometimes through our inaction.

Most of our frustration with life comes from our inability to see the flow on effect of our unconscious choices. Our inability to truly know ourselves, our inner fears, dreams and desires causes us to feel powerless. It makes us feel like pawns in a chess game played by some powerful deities.

The truth is we are far more powerful than we can imagine. We just haven’t learned how to control our power.

What if life was happening for you rather than to you?

What if you had chosen to experience every life event?

This may sound preposterous, even highly offensive, to you. After all, why would you possibly have chosen all those painful life experiences that you have been through?

First of all, let me assure you that my intention was never to offend you.

We are talking about a complex but very important subject. I will try my best to make the complex as simple as possible based on my understanding of the process of life.

To understand what I am referring to we need to realise that the universe is conscious. Everything in the universe has a degree of consciousness. This allows it to respond to the constant invisible communication that is taking place all around us.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are also multi-dimensional beings, meaning we exist across multiple dimensions. Most of these dimensions are invisible to us. As a result, we can only access a small portion of ourselves using the five physical senses.

Invisible to us we are constantly transmitting large amounts of information about our state

If we want to gain greater control over our life path, we need to make the invisible visible. Only then can we make the necessary adjustments to our state of being, that will transmit different information to the universe. This in turn will result in different choices and different life experiences.


In Love & Gratitude,

Antonia Ruhl


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