The word Cancer strikes fear into the very heart of anyone who has been diagnosed with any form of Cancer. For Caroline Logan, it was Breast Cancer, a debilitating, destructive and often fatal cancer that, regardless of the outcome, affects everyone around the person struggling to cope with an unreal reality.
Caroline Logan back in 2004 went for her regular PAP Smear, never expecting to have something unusual crop up. Â A cone biopsy later and a commitment to having this procedure done yearly was the end result. In 2013, once again undertaking her annual health check, a very small lump was discovered, examined, biopsied and eventually declared as Cancer.
With this devastating news, so began a journey that was to become a journey of learning, hope, strength and understanding that would take place over the long days of her treatment, mastectomy, drug regime and healing.
Her husband Martin was in denial for many weeks, refusing to accept what was happening to his beloved wife, which as Caroline says in the book, certainly did not help in the beginning, but once he finally accepted the reality, he was a tower of strength throughout the harrowing journey.
She has written Tears and Triumphs to share her journey with people who perhaps from the outside looking in, see a journey that appears to be significantly shorter that the reality; to those newly diagnosed she shares invaluable tips, insights, and experience, applauds the many people who helped her along the way, friends, family, medical staff and support teams along with the ladies always ready with a welcome ‘cuppa’ after gruelling and stressful time spent at Sir Charlies Gardiner Cancer Centre. Included are several chapters from Martin which are incredibly enlightening as he tells it like it is from a partner’s perspective, the love, pain and distress that becomes a normal part of daily living.
Warm, deeply personal, enriching and laced with humour, Caroline and Martin Logan answer so many of the questions no-one likes to ask, based on their personal experiences, share the things they could have done better and offer the wisdom the journey has given to them.
Title:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Tears and Triumphs
Author:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Caroline Logan with Martin Logan
ISBN:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 9781504316491
Publisher:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Balboa Press
Web:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 9781504316491
by Jan Mawdesley
Caroline and Martin will be at the Conscious Living Expo at Booth 46, and are giving a talk on Friday, October 25 on the main stage at 1:30pm .