Stargazing by Frolin and Mangus


Gentle songs, immensely beautiful and timeless, make up a short three-track album from Frolin and Mangus, Stargazing.

The first track Aotearoa, released as a single, is in dedication to the land of the Long White Cloud, New Zealand, a country of stunning contrasts, and deeply held secrets laced together with a rich and diverse history. Melodic with a pulsating heartbeat it captures the incremental aspects of a land new but old, often shrouded in a soft white cloud of mystery.

Stargazing drifts in with a dreamy, gentle concept of being in the moment, capturing the awe of the heavens, aglow with beauty, rich with hidden treasures to be discovered in the stillness of the night.

The North Sea is offered in gentle and delicate layers of sound that wash over the mind to encourage the simple art of being; being in the moment, being relaxed, being peaceful, and allowing the body to simply relax.

Overall the entire EP is a gentle, intimate and precise offering of calm in a troubled world, washed with the soft resonance of the steel drum gently tapped, the synth offering the many layers of enchanted sound.

It would be delightful to hear more from this intriguing and somewhat mysterious duo but in the meantime check out their YouTube recording of Stargazing. Simply beautiful.

Distributor Heartdance Records
Released January 2024
Running Time 8 mins 15 secs
Artists Frolin and Magnus

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Review ByJanet Mawdesley

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