Also referred to as Eyeless Sight, paroptic vision, extraretinal vision, extra-ocular vision, info-vision, or in some parts of the world ‘mid brain activation’, is the ability of seeing without engaging the use of the physical eyes.
You may already know from your Biology lessons at school that it is not your physical eyes that see anyway. Rather, light impulses received with the help of your eyes, are translated by your brain and assembled into the image you see.
You would also be familiar with the term ‘sixth sense’, which we might describe as an ability of receiving and accepting information from the world directly, without using or filtering this information through any of the five common senses. You have probably experienced having a ‘hunch’ about something that turned out to be true yourself.
After working with hundreds of people over the last years in her workshops in Europe, Dr. Katharina Friedrich has found that with dedicated training, EVERY person has the ability of learning to activate their brain’s ‘center of direct informational perception’, which makes seeing without eyes and reading blindfolded possible.
Benefits of Seeing without Eyes
• to be able to see well again, despite bad eyes
• No need to be afraid of eye diseases anymore
• Increases intuition
• improves decision-making
• Increased memory retention and thinking speed
• the visually impaired and the blind can learn to see again after appropriate individual practice
• It has a balancing effect on behavior
• Access to the information field is easier – and much more.
• Embark on this adventure and find out for yourself!
Those who have activated their center of informative perception are able to receive information from the environment directly, bypassing the 5 senses familiar to us. Information transmitted and received directly will enable accurate, appropriate decisions.
This results in new possibilities and abilities:
• Increased confidence
• Knowing what to do and how to behave in a given life situation.
• He or she will know exactly which contract to sign and which one to walk away from.
• They will know exactly which choice is the better decision;
– this applies to choices in business as well as in private life eg the choice of a spouse.
• A new potential opens up that can be deepened and developed in all areas of life.
• Direct informative perception provides the opportunity to be informed about world events, regardless of obstacles, distance and even time.
For more information watch Katharina’s speech on ‘Seeing without Eyes’ at the 14th Anti-Censorship Coalition in Switzerland in November 2017. Please note that the video runs for approx 50 minutes and that the English is simultaneously translated from German…. so grab a cuppa and enjoy it as it was presented to the 3000 strong audience.
HUNDREDS of people over the last years in her workshops in Europe, Dr. Katharina Friedrich has found that with dedicated training, EVERY person has the ability of learning to activate their brain’s ‘center of direct informational perception’, which makes seeing without eyes and reading blindfolded possible.
Since 2003 Dr. Katharina Friedrich studied Russian and Bulgarian healing methods based on original sources, among others at the Petrov Institute, Drevo Roda, Moscow. After research and teaching on radionic devices used by information field medicine (eg Oberon, Metascan, Timewaver, Quantec, Cybertron), Katharina chose to pursue the unity of soul, mind, and consciousness (rather than through technical aids), as her heartfelt mission. She focuses on teaching simple and efficient mental methods, which anyone can easily integrate in their everyday life.
After a serious accident in  2005,  Dr. Friedrich successfully restored her health by practicing these techniques on herself.  In  2010, she created her own seminar concept:  the  Quantum  Harmony®  method;  in  2016, she developed her methodology to teach adults and children  “Seeing  Without  Eyes”. She  established  BeTeWi-Ââ€Academy  in  Berlin  and  regularly  presents  her  seminars  in  German,  Spanish  and Bulgarian-Ââ€speaking  countries  (and  beyond),  teaching  these  effective,  easy-Ââ€to-Ââ€use Consciousness  Techniques  to  as  many  people  as  possible