Positive Change is in the Air as Retrograde Season Begins


Welcome to June,

This month the full moon June 3 is in Sagittarius. There is a change in the air for all of us as the cosmos support us to alter the course of our lives. This full moon is a significant turning point as significant planets move into retrograde.

Eclipse season may be behind us, but the retrograde season’s just getting started. On June 11, Pluto, the planet of transformation, retrogrades back into Capricorn, where it’ll remain until the start of 2024. Major themes from that point in your life will circle back to be acknowledged and dealt with.

June Horoscopes 


The Gemini Sun is beaming on your sign until June 21. Gemini is the sign of intellectual curiosity, so expect a mix of intrigue, adventure, and introspection. Mars, your ruling planet, moves through Leo, igniting your passionate, fiery spirit. Venus enters Leo on June 5, kindling romance as well.

Both relationship planets (Venus and Mars) are in a fire sign most of the month. Love is among the month’s highlights for even the most individualistic Aries. The Gemini Sun highlights communication. Together, these influences signal a time to express your feelings, declare your love, and say yes to love in all its forms. If you’re single, start by looking in the mirror. It’s one thing to conceptualize self-love, but have you had a recent somatic experience of it? It begins with accepting – no, loving – the most cringe-worthy aspects of yourself. Then, work on cultivating compassion for all the past versions of yourself.

You’ve always been one for blazing trails and conquering new territories, and this month is no different. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 drives you towards daring and exciting endeavours. Accept invitations, be spontaneous, and break a habit to change the routine.

Neptune begins its retrograde journey on June 30 in the most mystical sector of your chart. It’s a gentle nudge from the universe to turn inward. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams during this phase; they could be a powerful source of guidance.

As we approach Cancer season, starting on June 21, your focus may shift toward home and family. Balancing your inner free spirit with your focus on home life might be challenging, but if anyone can strike a balance, it’s you. Create boundaries around your time and space.



This month calls for financial caution. While you may see some growth, avoid making hasty decisions, especially concerning investments. However, keep a balanced approach. The Sun shines in Gemini, helping you prioritize your values and realize your worth. Expect random acts of kindness as helpful people appear to be teachers and messengers of these lessons. Receive.

June calls for you to channel your steadfast Taurus energy into your goals and ambitions. We start the month on the heels of a challenging aspect pattern between Pluto, Jupiter, and Mars. You may feel pulled in multiple directions by different obligations. We can’t make everyone happy, but we can align with our own goodness, kindness, and empathy. Then, it’s possible to speak and act with grace. The Sagittarius Full Moon is a time of truth-telling. Have a conversation about anything weighing heavy on your heart.

Venus moves into Leo on June 5, inspiring your creativity. Indulge in the arts, try a new recipe, or take up a DIY project. As Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, you may feel encouraged to bring your creative ideas to life through the written word.

The Sun enters Cancer on June 21 at the solstice, shifting your focus to learning, teaching, reading, and writing. Communication. Express your thoughts and feelings; remember, your voice matters, Taurus. Let it be heard.

Your journey this month is about acknowledging and celebrating your growth while making room for new experiences. Your mantra for June should be: “I am open to the abundance of the universe.” Hold this close, and the universe will respond in kind.



“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” The words attributed to George Eliot might be your mantra this month. Imagine the myriad paths you could have journeyed, the diverse trails you could have blazed. Now, consider your present-day life. As a Gemini, you have a potent talent for self-reinvention. You were destined to probe the boundless realm of possibilities. You often flourish within the exhilarating heartbeat of novelty and exploration.

So ask yourself, what’s new? If the answer is ‘nothing,’ it’s time for a change. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 awakens the urge for adventure. Unfurl your map, plot a spontaneous journey, or dabble in a new hobby. Your imagination hungers for wonder, for the thrill of the unknown.

Mercury enters your sign on June 11, allowing you to express yourself in new ways. How do you want to be known? Reflect on this question as the messenger planet moves through your sign (from June 11 – June 26). Its influence can help clear a misunderstanding, supercharge your work, or launch a PR campaign. The Sun is shining in your sign until June 21, supporting your efforts and expanding your reach.

You sense a burgeoning cultural shift on the horizon at the end of the month, but you may- need more context for what movements will arise. Pluto’s retrograde returns to Capricorn on June 11, reminding us to reimagine our understanding of power and money. Because you’re often the messenger to others in your community, be ready to ask questions, research facts, and express your ideas. Mars shines in your communications sector all month, and Venus joins on June 5. You can speak, write, and sign with power and grace. Use this bonus courage to face fear.



Change is in the air, and we all sense it. Breathe easy; you are ahead of the curve. You’ve been on a cathartic journey of spiritual growth, which started in 2008 and has intensified in the last three years. Though the ground beneath you may still seem unsteady, keep the faith. Jupiter in Taurus helps stabilize your life.

Pluto re-enters Capricorn on June 11, which may resurface a familiar and challenging dynamic related to finances or relationships. You may recall a situational self-abandonment. If circumstances repeat, stand strong. Ground yourself in the knowledge and wisdom you’ve gained. You are capable of seeing the silver linings of even the darkest clouds.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 can shine a healing light on a health challenge. If you’ve had questions about a condition, you could receive a diagnosis around this time. With the Sun moving through Gemini until June 21, you’ll reflect on what habits, priorities, and dreams to carry into your new solar year.

The Gemini New Moon on June 17 invites self-compassion and acceptance. Saturn stations retrograde that day, calling you to relinquish regrets and grudges. You’ve grown in your power; don’t let anything diminish that.

The Cancer Sun brightens your life, revealing previously obscured desires. Mercury enters Cancer on June 26, improving commerce and communication. Mercury animates your mind, even if you need a break. (I encourage you to take one!)

You’re in a period of fertility and growth. It’s the perfect time for planting seeds, both literally and metaphorically. Whether it’s initiating a new project, fostering a relationship, or nurturing personal growth, the conditions are optimal. It’s your season. Align yourself with this abundant energy and make the most of it.



How do you feel about your love life, Leo? No matter how you answered the question, this month’s astrology indicates romantic shifts. Both relationship planets, Venus and Mars, are moving through your sign, and you are walking the axis line between self and other. On June 5, Venus enters Leo to embolden you to make the first move or declare your commitment. It is a time of high romance with an undercurrent of desire, thanks to Mars. Let’s be real; relationships sometimes stretch us in uncomfortable ways. This month is no exception. On June 26, Mars squares Uranus, and tensions stir. Stay tender, despite the fear responses, like fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.

The Gemini Sun animates your curiosity about others’ lives, and you might host a gathering to be the hub connecting different spokes. On June 11, Mercury enters Gemini, making your social life more engaging. Make time to tell stories and share from the heart. Listen, too.

June could feel calm after the storm of last month’s eclipses and Mercury retrograde. You weathered highs and lows, healing realizations, drastic changes in life plans, and chance encounters with people from the past. It was intense! So, you might need a break, and the astrological skies encourage it when the Sun enters Cancer on June 21.

Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn on June 11, easing its pressure on your sign since March. You teach what you most need to learn. Are you familiar with that phrase? Pluto teaches you hard-won lessons, and then you become the guide for others. You’re learning all about power over these next several years. Write the curriculum you most need.



Any number of miracles could happen at any moment. How open is your heart to receiving goodness? Answer this question honestly to decipher how to overcome obstacles. You can achieve great things this month, but you must remember to let go of your desire for control. Embrace the spiritual forces of the universe and allow them to guide you. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3rd tests your ability to remain neutral in a heated situation.


On June 21, as the Sun enters Cancer, its light can help you expand your network and connect with helpful people. Your work life will be bustling, and you might yearn for a well-deserved vacation. If the stressors of the previous month have caught up with you, give yourself a break.

The Gemini New Moon on June 17 sets the tone for the entire summer. Pay close attention to your thoughts towards the end of the month, for your manifestation power intensifies. As Neptune begins its retrograde journey on June 25, it serves as a reminder that genuine relaxation is an antidote to anxiety. However, it’s essential to engage in true self-care. Ask yourself, “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself?” Doing so will strengthen self-acceptance and help you realize you are the agent of your own life.

As Saturn stations retrograde on June 17, you’ll learn to balance independence and interdependence. Embrace relationship transitions and honour your commitments. It’s a time of rediscovering the foundation of significant relationships in your life. Trust in your ability to navigate change gracefully and remember that while you may not control all aspects of your life, you can adjust your responses and cultivate a sense of inner peace.



Imagine your life as a canvas. If last month’s tableau was reminiscent of abstract expressionism — gestural strokes, bold colours, and raw emotion — then this month could be likened to minimalism. We’ve cut out distractions and eliminated some of the chaos. We have calm patterns of gentle hues held within defined lines. While still abstract, it doesn’t evoke a desperate desire for comprehension. It simply is.

The Sun shines in Gemini until June 21, casting its beams upon our aspirations. It kindles a spiritual yearning, a quest to encounter something greater than ourselves. If you feel this intangible hunger, answer its call by engaging with a spiritual community, delving into a course, or reading an inspiring book. The divine operates in mysterious ways and is reaching out to you now.

The New Moon on June 17 in Gemini paves the way for fresh opportunities in publishing, directing, learning, or teaching. New paths open before you, begging the question: what dream stirs your deepest longing? Tug at these threads of thought, and they may weave together a clearer vision of your life’s purpose.

Pluto, the planet of transformation, retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11, putting pressure on your sign. It is a reminder of the life-changing experiences that brought awareness about life, death, and purpose. Acknowledge the challenges you’ve overcome and the sense of power you’ve reclaimed, transforming your relationships and work in unimaginable ways.

Venus glides into Leo on June 5, infusing your social life with energy. You’re attracting supporters, even benefactors, to your side. Leo symbolizes leadership and self-expression but is also a sign associated with joy, fun, and play. Creative pursuits become an avenue for joy, as do moments shared with friends. So, Libra, indulge yourself. Prioritize fun this month. You might be surprised by what doors open in your life.



You were born for this time of transformation and systemic change. This month, you get to find your allies and collaborators, form strategic alliances, and determine what commitment means to you. In the first week of the month, Venus in Cancer graces you with magnetic attraction, helping restore your faith in others. Feel free to explore the complex emotions within you. Let the beauty of your openness to love guide you through a relationship’s ups and downs.

On June 11, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, giving your voice more power and punch for the next several months. What do you need to say? Have the courage to speak your truth or argue a point. You might also consider signing up for a speaking workshop to practice expressing yourself in a crowd.

The Full Moon on June 3 highlights finances and offers a chance to reset your relationship with abundance or rethink your definition of wealth. Remember, true prosperity is more than material goods—it’s about recognizing the abundance that lies in your relationships, your creativity, and your spiritual growth.

As the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st, have faith in your dreams and follow your longings. You have an unmatched power for strategic thinking—apply it to your future. What is the legacy you want to leave behind? What are the ideals that you want to represent?

Jupiter in Pisces invites you to deepen your self-awareness. This alignment may stir some deep feelings and buried truths. Embrace them. Your strength lies in your ability to look at yourself in the mirror and make necessary changes.



Think of yourself as a ballet dancer this month, moving in ways that stretch and strengthen you. While it may be uncomfortable from your perspective, you appear graceful and at ease to others. The Full Moon shines in your sign on June 3 and draws people into your life to aid you in bringing ideas to life. Can you stretch your mindset to accept generous offerings? Keep this question in mind in those rare moments you feel a lack of financial well-being or love.

The Sun in Gemini (until June 21) illuminates aspects of relationships you may not have considered. Are you ready to commit to someone you love? Is it time for a recommitment to a long-term partner? If so, the Gemini New Moon on June 17 offers an opening to experiences of love.

Venus enters Leo on June 5, inviting social or romantic adventures. You’re experiencing a change of perspective, and because things change so fast, you’ll want to act on your intuition. Take it one step at a time. Romantic love is a focal point under this influence. Mars also in this fire sign, adds passion, making it a favorable time to take a vacation or enjoy a break from your routine.

Pluto retrograde moves back into Capricorn on June 11, and it’s a time to revisit your financial history and set goals related to where you’d like to be. As you grow more powerful, you become a better attractor for wealth and opportunity.

The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, and it helps dredge up unfiltered grief, pain, or resentment. You have a choice: let these energies hold you in a still position or live into a new, liberated future. Look closely at what emerges, for these revelations—however challenging—carry the seeds of profound growth.



You are a master at steadily and purposefully climbing your metaphorical mountains; each step is a testament to your determination. As a goal-oriented cardinal sign, you must pause and appreciate the view. The universe gently nudges you to slow your pace this month. Pause. Reflect. Enjoy. Pluto retrogrades back into your sign on June 11, where it will stay until January 2024. This transit allows you to reassess your goals and celebrate your successes.

The Gemini Sun lightens the overall tone until June 21, especially on June 3, when the Sagittarius Full Moon invites you to see beyond the minutia of everyday concerns. Aim for inner peace by maintaining a broad perspective. Invite laughter as a healing modality.

Your ruling planet, Saturn, stations retrograde on June 17. For the next few months, Saturn’s influence supports you in finishing projects or revisiting a forsaken dream. Life gives us second and third chances, often during retrograde cycles. Pick up an old hobby, and you could discover a hidden talent.

Jupiter, in steadfast Taurus, grants you luck this year. What will you create with that powerful yes from the universe? Dream big, but know most creations start in the dark and incubate in rest and quiet times. Honour the process. The New Moon on June 17 sets the stage for work commitments and pursuing goals. Set intentions accordingly.

On June 21, the Sun enters Cancer, and Mercury enters Cancer on June 26. Don’t be afraid to show your caring and compassionate side. At the end of the month, you might put career pursuits on a brief pause and cultivate your relationships. Love abounds at the end of the month. It may be messy or complicated, but love is always sacred.



“Never let the fear of failure stop you from trying. Failure is not the opposite of success but a part of it. It’s through the trials and errors that we learn and grow.”

The above paragraph is brought to you by AI technology. Your sign is associated with network technology and the internet. It’s a solid metaphor to consider when questions of purpose or direction arise. The internet brings people together through an invisible information superhighway. It’s air-sign ethereal and an excellent platform for sharing ideas. Yours is a sign of genius; own it this month. Take Open AI’s pep talk to heart, especially on June 3, when the Full Moon highlights the integration between the expanded future vision and the nitty-gritty past.

Mars is in your opposite sign, Leo, boosting your courage. You are turbo-charged and ready to assert yourself in relationships. Venus enters Leo on June 5 and offers a nice balance between stillness and activity. Remember to take luxurious breaks. Redefine health as the alignment of body, mind, and spirit. Start with your physical health, and make it a priority. The Sun enters Cancer on June 21, marking the beginning of a health commitment. What small changes can you make to support your well-being?

Venus in Leo indicates more sensuality in your romantic relationships. Light the candles and add spiritual elements to your date night plans. If you need a suggestion, just ask Open AI! (I took the liberty of doing it for you. Its answer? Stargazing Picnic!)

Saturn stations retrograde on June 17, indicating a time of financial caution. Avoid impulsive spending. It’s a good time to set a budget or financial plan. An unexpected gain might come around June 19. Dream big.


Those who believe in the beauty of their dreams can and do shape the world. The greatest inventions, masterpieces, and feats started as dreams. This month, be the dreamer that you are and let your creativity flow freely. Don’t fear the depths – your sign is meant to swim, explore, and create ripples that reach far and wide. Saturn in your sign helps ground those ideas into a tangible form, but it takes the right action steps. You can see them this month, especially under the Sagittarius Moon on June 3, a lunation of expectation. Say yes to the unknown and face fear.

On June 11, Pluto backslides into Capricorn, and its influence inspires a sense of agency unlike you’ve experienced. We will watch old power structures collapse, and new ones be born. As it transits across the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, it informs you to distinguish between your preferences and others’. The answer lies in your somatic experience.

Saturn goes retrograde on June 17, transiting through your sign. You are establishing a new identity or persona, and the old ways of being no longer fit. What do you do? You dress for the role you want to play and make your external presence match the person you’re becoming.

Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, bringing up questions about home and family, making it a time when you could sign a lease or house-related contract. You could dig up family archives or return to your hometown for a sweet reunion.

As the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, you’re ready to change the rhythm of your daily life to allow for more creative time and space. Let your imagination run wild. Whether through writing, painting, music, or any other form of creative expression, channel your emotions and thoughts into something remarkably yours.

Rachel Lang studied astrology under the mentorship of some world-renowned astrologers and dedicated herself to the craft. She received certification from the American Federation of Astrologers and is a member of ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. Rachel is the Vice President of the local NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) Los Angeles chapter. To read more go to Rachel’s website rachellangastrologer.com 


Modern Day Magic by Rachel Lang

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