June 2024 Brings Excitement, Communication and New Beginnings


Welcome to June 2024

Get ready for an exciting month ahead! June brings us Cancer season, a Capricorn full moon, and Saturn retrograde.

A stellium in astrology happens when three or more planets gather in one zodiac sign or house. In June, we’ll experience a stellium of planets in Gemini and other significant transits like Jupiter trine Pluto, Venus cazimi, Mars square Pluto, and Saturn stationing with Neptune. Keep an eye out for these major transits and make the most of the opportunities they bring.

Moon Phases for June: The New moon arrives on the 6th of June and the Full moon falls on June 22, just after the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.

To find the moon phases where you live click here.  – Editor Jacquie Walker

A Word From Rachel

Our ideas are out of this world at the start of June. Jupiter in Gemini moves into a trine aspect with Pluto on June 2, and we gain courage as we realize the influence we have to affect change in the lives of others and ourselves. Jupiter’s influence broadens our worldview, helping us think of ways to transport ourselves beyond the confines of our daily routines. We could be more oriented to futuristic thinking as Mercury moves into a sextile aspect to Neptune on June 2 before entering Gemini on June 3. Flying cars, UFOs, and technological advances in transportation could pop up in our social media feeds or news outlets. These stories prep us for Uranus’s ingress into Gemini in 2025.

Jupiter graces Gemini season with social activities, good books, and summer road trips. On June 4, Mercury conjoins Jupiter, making the start of June a favourable time to start a writing project or intellectual pursuit. If you’re a writer, carve out time to develop a concept.

The New Moon on June 6 is at 16˚17’ Gemini. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker. The theme suggests the growth and development of our mindset and ideas. What have we learned during this season, which started with the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, included the Jupiter–Uranus conjunction, and offered us Jupiter’s entry into Gemini?

This lunation allows us to reflect and appreciate ourselves in the process. The New Moon features a conjunction with Venus, a trine to the South Node, and a square to Saturn. We are learning to accept our inner authority and define our lives according to that intuitive wisdom. Venus invites us into relationships with others in celebration or play.

With Chiron conjunct Hygeia in Aries, this lunation is a time to prioritise health and wellness. Take extra Vitamin C to avoid catching the summer cold. Keep up with your health regimen in the summer, especially if travelling.

Tensions rise on June 11 as Mars in Taurus challenges Pluto in Aquarius. We could meet conflict with wilfulness. This square helps build grit and determination. We can grow more tenacious in the pursuit of our desires. At the same time, we must learn that holding tight to a position requires more life-force energy than letting it go.

The Sun conjoins Mercury on June 14, helping us bridge divides through dialogue. Mercury and Venus end their cycles in Gemini on June 16, both entering Cancer and bringing us back home to ourselves. As we head into the next season on the solstice, we turn inward, thanks to the reserved quality of Cancer’s protective shell. After a period of intellectual stimulation and movement, we might be pleased to take a reprieve.

Cancer’s season starts on June 20, and the Capricorn Full Moon follows immediately after on June 21. The symbolism suggests a period marked by the illumination of truth that catalyzes significant change.

The Sabian symbol for 0Ëš – 1Ëš Cancer:

 On a ship, the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one, encapsulates a radical change of allegiance, a symbolic act that marks a point of no return. 

Considering the socio-political events of 2024 and Pluto’s transformative shift into Aquarius, the Sabian Symbol signifies a pivotal moment in our collective journey. Though the Sun transits through this degree each year on the solstice, this year, the imagery strikes a chord and hints at the changes and opportunities ahead. This season may well mark a significant turning point in our culture.

As the Sun enters Cancer, it forms a quincunx aspect to Pluto retrograde, showing our discomfort with the unfinished business of Pluto’s transition from one sign to another. We could be more protective of our resources, defensive of our political positions, or challenged by loved ones during this time. Vesta in Leo opposes Pluto, indicating an unsettled sense of societal unrest that makes us cling to our stable structures and daily rituals. As the transit perfects on June 23, we’d be tempted to crawl under Cancer’s shell and wait for external tensions to subside. However, the drumbeat of the Aries North Node propels action on behalf of what we hold dear.

Saturn stations retrograde on June 29 and Neptune stations retrograde on July 2, making this season a time to finish business. Saturn’s influence reminds us to pause before accepting new responsibilities and ensure our activities are aligned with our goals. Because both planets are in Pisces, expect pools, rivers, and beaches to have more activity as individuals and creatures gravitate to the water for relaxation and healing.

I picture late June and early July energies feeling like a collective baptism. Neptune’s influence must not be understated. It stations retrograde at 29Ëš 55” Pisces, just a few arc minutes from its ingress into Aries and that zero-degree world point!

The Sabian Symbol for this anaretic degree is:

 A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness and, as he grows up, begins to look like it. 

This symbolism speaks to the importance of our visioning power right now. With Chiron being a big player in this year’s sky story, we seek mentors and guidance from those with more wisdom. As Neptune stations retrograde, it asks us to differentiate between those who genuinely desire to share knowledge versus those who seek an audience for an ego boost.

As Saturn and Neptune appear to move backward in Pisces, we could gain new insights into the meeting point between the seen and unseen influences at work in our lives. We journey into our subconscious minds, desire to connect with our extrasensory perceptions and balance evidence with intuition.

Horoscopes For June


An open road of possibilities lies ahead, and you are ready to take the wheel and drive. Your enthusiasm might propel you to accept every invitation, fearing you might miss out on something great. But now is the time to trust, not push. Sometimes, by standing still, you end up exactly where you need to be. On June 6, under the New Moon, allow yourself to flow with the rhythms of nature, and you’ll notice a myriad of exciting opportunities coming your way.

On June 8, you have a heightened drive towards achieving financial goals as Mars moves into Taurus. Making money is one thing, but this grounded transit asks you to take sustainable actions that align with your larger value system. Be sceptical of investments of time, energy, and money that seem too good to be true.

From now until June 16, Venus moves through Gemini, dancing through your communication sector. Venus lends softness and curiosity to your communications during this time. You may be fascinated by what others have to say, or you may search for perspectives that differ from your own. It is a good time to explore if your values are as set as you previously thought and to expand your worldview through discourse.

The Sun shines in Gemini until June 20, centring your social energy on your immediate community and making it an excellent time to host a neighbourly gathering. The Gemini New Moon on June 6 casts a sentimental light on friend and sibling relationships, making you aware of how they’ve shaped you. When the Sun enters Cancer on June 20, the sentimental glow on your home life helps you accept others. Troubled family bonds can heal under the light of the Sun, or you may decide to release them. Either way, your heart remains open.


Do you recall the tale of Ferdinand the Bull? Much like gentle Ferdinand, life circumstances remind you that, despite societal pressures, true motivation springs from engaging with what fulfils your heart. This month, allow yourself to be guided by your internal compass. This theme becomes particularly poignant as Mars, the fiery planet of action, enters Taurus on June 8 and charges through your sign for the entire month. It guides you into broader, albeit sometimes uncomfortable, new territories. Keep an eye on your default coping mechanisms during this period. Are they helping you achieve your aspirations or just reinforcing your resistance? Reflect on how this advice resonates with your current situation and how you can apply it in your life.

The Gemini New Moon on June 6 shows you an abundant future ahead, but you must act on faith. You may get a sneak peek of what’s to come over the next six months, but you’ll have to navigate the path ahead.

Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 16, bringing a more sentimental and emotive cadence to your communication. On June 17, the two planets meet, and your words could become more poetic. You may have an easier time expressing your appreciation for the people in your life during this time. Write a love letter, read a book of poetry, or listen to your favourite romantic song.

The Sun enters Cancer on June 20, making the end of the month a very fertile time for you. Give into your desires for creation. If the conception of human life isn’t your goal, you may find that your creative energy is at its peak! The seeds you plant now will take root.

GEMINI (MAY 20 – JUNE 20):

Congratulations! You’ve made it through another year. This next one is full of promise as Jupiter moves through your sign. The universe offers you a blank canvas and infinite possibilities. Over the past year, you’ve identified the pieces of life that fit into your grand vision for the future. Now is the time to arrange them and create your masterpiece. Your only limitation is the fear that you’re merely playing dress-up rather than embracing the radical changes—set intentions at the beginning of the month, especially around the New Moon on June 6. Then, relax and allow your magnum opus to take shape.

Venus is dancing through your sign until June 16, making this the perfect time for a glow-up. What parts of your style feel tired or staid? How we style ourselves reflects our identity and self-worth. Investigate self-limiting beliefs by playing with your look. Visit a boutique off the beaten path to discover new designers or hidden gems.

Mercury enters Cancer on June 16, bringing awareness to how to monetize your creative ideas. If there’s a side project you’ve wanted to start, now is the time to gather your team to help strategize and implement those plans. If you can dream it, you can do it!

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 brings your attention to your health and has the potential to magnify any present conditions. It isn’t the birthday gift you requested, but it’s a good reminder to give your body the support it needs. You’re at the beginning of your journey. Don’t start it in the wrong pair of shoes.


Rest up, Cancer, because we’re in the calm before the storm. As a water sign, you’re known for your emotional depth and sensitivity. You’re in transition this month, between the end of one solar year and the start of another. The Gemini New Moon activates your sector of hidden things, allowing you to explore your subconscious mind and evolve from one consciousness to another. There’s a tenderness to this time that you may not want to share with others. Embrace your need for self-care, a trait that is often associated with your zodiac sign.

Messenger Mercury and harmonious Venus enter your sign on June 16, allowing you to open your heart to more authentic communication. This celestial meeting helps you open your heart and express yourself with kindness and ease. Before the start of your solar season and the solstice begins on June 20, make your truth known.

Venus sextiles Mars on June 28, permitting you to follow your heart’s desires. Venus in Gemini lends a certain elegance, especially in your communications with friends, which complements the grounded drive of Mars in Taurus. Now is the time to bring in collaborators and co-conspirators.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 infuses the end of the month with sentimentality in your relationships. The Full Moon offers us a time of culmination and completion, and the Capricorn Full Moon is particularly significant as it marks the halfway point of your solar year. Your sensitivity is one of your greatest strengths, but you’re learning to differentiate between the waves that keep you stuck in the riptide and those that carry you to new shores. Love can inspire joy. Let love lead the way.

Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, bringing up tensions between expanding your worldview and finding yourself wanting to build walls. You’ve felt this before, but now, with more life experience under your belt, you’re getting the chance to change the conclusions you’ve come to. Where is your sweet spot?

LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22):

No one knows how to dazzle a room quite like you, Leo. You are a natural ringleader and connector in your social circles; this month, you shine like a star. The Gemini New Moon on June 6 highlights your networking abilities, making it a prime time to forge new relationships.

Venus is living it up in your most social sphere until June 16. You’ll be poised to host a party or plan a significant event. You may even be asked to chair a committee. It could also be an opportunity to deepen and expand your social circle. While you may feel honoured and relish the recognition, remember to know your limits and delegate tasks to avoid burnout.

Career-wise, a shift is on the horizon. If you’ve been itching for a new opportunity, Jupiter in Gemini suggests that your most exciting next steps will come from within your community. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or express your hopes for something new and exciting. The people around you want to be part of your success story!

Remember, the planet of transformation, Pluto, moves through your opposite sign and shines a spotlight on relationships. You know the compromises of partnership, but Pluto asks you to double-check any challenging relationship dynamics. As Shakespeare said, to thine own self be true.

Once the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, the parts of yourself that you’ve neglected will be illuminated. Under the Capricorn Full Moon on June 21, listen to what your body tells you about your pace. Instead of dwelling on what’s troubling you, embrace faith in your healing ability. The most effective cure is staying true to what you need.



You do not usually embrace the unknown, but this month’s expansive energy challenges you to let go of the reins and test yourself to see if you’ve been limiting your growth. With several planets in buzzy Gemini, including expansive Jupiter, your life could feel like a scene from the Academy Award-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once. But worry not; if anyone can make sense of the chaos, it’s you.

Starting with the New Moon in Gemini on June 6, you’re welcoming a new chapter in your career. It is a time to put that game plan into action and be intentional with executing the steps you’re taking towards your professional goals or even a fresh start in your work environment. This lunation encourages you to embrace new beginnings. If you’ve been clinging to what’s comfortable, you’ll have difficulty keeping a stable footing moving forward.

On June 16, Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, shifting your focus to your social life and community involvement. And, when the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, this emphasis on your relationships and social networks is reinforced. These are heartfelt transits meant to bring you closer to your friends and loved ones. Because of your ability to be objective, even during periods of heightened emotion, you may be called upon to play the role of a confidant or mediator.

The month ends with the influence of the full moon on June 21 and the possibility of romance. Even with all the heart-opening this month has to offer, you may still approach this area of your life with some caution. To let love in, you have to let your walls down. You are not one to be easily misled, so trust in your judgment.


The sky’s the limit, Libra, so dream big. Your eyes are set on new horizons this month, with Jupiter shining in Gemini and blessing you for the next 12 months. The New Moon in Gemini on June 6 opens your mind to explore life out of your comfort zone. You could feel an urge to travel to a new destination or discover a new place to call home. You may not want to leave if you find a place that inspires inner peace!


Your ruling planet, Venus, moves through Gemini until June 16. Venus feels at ease here, and Gemini’s lighthearted and dynamic nature makes this a romantic and social season for you. There’s a sense that anything’s possible during this transit. If you can enjoy having the freedom to flirt, your charm is at its peak.

You may feel tension between your expanding social circle and your partner’s needs in your relationship. Watch for June 11, when Mars squares Pluto and introduces tension into all storylines. By June 16, when Mercury meets Venus, the tension eases with a transit of love notes and whispered sweet nothings.

Mercury and Venus move into Cancer on June 16, suggesting collaboration with friends and colleagues. Your inner voice calls you to follow your ambition. Dare to take the calculated risks needed to realize your ideas. If you haven’t taken your first step before the solstice on June 20, when the Sun enters Cancer, you’ll get an extra, gentle push.

Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, making it an excellent time to power through the rest of your to-do list. Take a step back from the hustle and ask yourself if there are any changes you want to make or lessons you’ve yet to incorporate while you still have the time.


You have a rare ability to hold space for soul-shaking experiences, and this month invites you to align with the mystical, magical side of yourself that thrives by exploring the depth of your emotions. Depth does not always mean darkness, so this month’s task is to let yourself accept the abundance of good fortune without searching for a melancholy shadow.


On June 6, the New Moon in Gemini brings your attention to financial issues, making it an excellent time to rethink your shared resources or inquire about investment options. This follows Jupiter making a trine aspect of Pluto on June 2, where you could hear good news about larger economic forces spiralling in your favour.

Opposites attract on June 8 when Mars enters your opposite sign of Taurus and forms a square aspect to Pluto on June 11. You are about to experience a fated meeting to bring closure to an ongoing feud. This tension can feel like a sibling rivalry, and the resulting frustration comes as much from your similarities as from your differences.

You may have felt rooted to your place earlier this year, but you could feel wanderlust when Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 16. If someone close to you offers you the opportunity to travel, embrace it. When the Sun enters Cancer on June 20, your heart is elsewhere, so follow it.

With Venus and Mercury both in Cancer, romance preoccupies your mind. You may start the month feeling a stronger connection with your partner. For singles, it’s crucial to confront relationship fears early in the month, particularly those related to trust. Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, making it an excellent time to reflect and integrate any feedback you’ve received.


Of all other signs, you have major manifesting power! But this month, you could become distracted with so many planets moving through your opposite sign of Gemini. Head into this month with a clear understanding of your true priorities. If your goals aren’t at the top of that list, do some self-reflection to understand hidden motives. After that, share your time and resources with those who genuinely appreciate what you have to offer.

Relationships are in the spotlight under the Gemini New Moon on June 6 and as Venus moves through your relationship sector (until 16). You could face profound realizations about how you address intimacy or abandonment fears. How can you make space for the new without abandoning the old? Stay open-minded; love could surprise you this year as Jupiter expands that area of your life.

Mars in Taurus challenges Pluto in Aquarius on June 11, showing you that tact and diplomacy are valuable tools when expressing your perspective. You may have opposing opinions with a teacher or community member. Still, how you present your perspective will determine whether it’s a battle or merely a difference of opinion.

On June 20, the Sun moves into Cancer with the Summer Solstice, and with the Capricorn Full Moon the next day, your mind is pulled toward your finances. You may feel a pull toward comparing what you have versus those around you. It is the start of a new chapter in your professional life. Let your curiosity pull you into a new opportunity.


Under usual circumstances, you’re very adept at discerning which of the options in front of you will benefit you most. But, Capricorn, these times are far from usual. With Pluto going retrograde, perhaps you feel a change in the air. This month, Jupiter lights up your career, giving you options that were not there before. On the one hand, you feel empowered by driving yourself forward. On the other hand, you could feel overwhelmed by decision-making fatigue, especially on June 9, when the Sun challenges your ruling planet, Saturn. What will you dedicate yourself to? Dream big.

Mercury and Venus enter your opposite sign of Cancer on June 16, illuminating your love life. It can be difficult for you to give vulnerability to others for fear that they may misuse your trust. This transit helps you to open your heart and let your feelings flow.

When the Sun enters Cancer on June 20, you may have a burst of social energy. This is a time for establishing new connections without fearing losing yourself. You’re very protective of the parts of your life that give you complete independence and autonomy. But there’s also a part of you that deeply needs to be seen by others. Let your true self shine under the light of the Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 and see who it attracts.

Let the end of the month bring you into deep conversations and moments of awe as Saturn stations retrograde on June 29. If you spend too long dwelling on your perspective, you risk losing the opportunity to evolve and grow.


The Sun shines brightly in Gemini until June 20, lighting up the area of your chart designated to creativity, romance, and self-expression. Under its beams, you could feel a surge of inspiration, making it an excellent time to dive into artistic projects or pursue hobbies you enjoy. Your social calendar may fill up quickly, so embrace opportunities to connect with friends and loved ones. The Gemini Sun encourages you to share your innovative ideas and perspectives. Don’t hold back!

On June 16, Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, shifting your focus to your home and family life. Venus brings a harmonious energy, making this a perfect time to beautify your living space or spend quality time with your family. You might be drawn to nurturing activities like cooking, gardening, or creating a cozy environment. Mercury’s transit into Cancer enhances your communication skills within your domestic sphere, encouraging heartfelt conversations and deeper connections with your loved ones.

Exercise caution on June 11 when Mars in Taurus squares Pluto in your sign, showing a contest of wills. Any conflicts could escalate, or you could be more aware of tension from unspoken frustrations.

As the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20, your attention moves towards tending the home fires. You may be more aware of your emotional well-being and the support systems you have in place. It’s a time for self-care and ensuring your environment feels like a sanctuary. The Cancer Sun invites you to prioritize your inner world and cultivate a sense of security and comfort.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 spotlights your finances, and you could discover a bonus gift or have an economic win. Let optimism carry you to the end of the month.


Magic is the willingness to cooperate with everything. – Caroline Casey, Astrologer, and the Visionary Activist Show host.

As the mystic of the Zodiac, you were born with a natural propensity for magic. How can you experience more wonder in your life? Follow synchronicity. You are in the flow if you keep noticing 11:11 or other number sequences or when you encounter signs from the universe. Nature, too, helps open you to more wonder this month.

You could experience an inner shift at the Gemini New Moon on June 6. You may yearn to reconnect with loved ones or discover the familial roots of some of your behavioural patterns. The more you nourish the roots of your family tree, the more you will grow during this time.

On June 8, Mars enters Taurus, lending energy and passion to your communication style. You’ll feel a surge of motivation to express your ideas, so pick up your megaphone and be ready to use your voice. This transit helps complete writing projects, engage in meaningful conversations, or learn something new. However, be mindful of the tendency to be stubborn in your viewpoints.

Venus and Mercury enter Cancer on June 16 for a time filled with inner musings and poetry. Cue your favourite romance playlist and bask in nostalgia. Venus in Cancer allows you to move gracefully through complicated circumstances. It’s also an excellent time for artistic pursuits.

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 brings attention to your social life. Through brainstorming conversations, you could have a new perspective on your future. This Full Moon indicates a time of culmination, where you can see the results of your efforts. Reflect on your support systems and consider any adjustments needed to align with your aspirations.

Rachel Lang Rachel Lang is an astrologer, author, and teacher.  On the first Friday of each month, Rachel hosts a spiritual development circle To read more and connect with Rachel go to  rachellangastrologer.com

Listen to Rachel’s Podcasts on the Rachel Lang Show.


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