As we move into July we are influenced by the Cancerian field, which introduces us to new energies and currents that will change our entire perspective for the future. Emotions will be activated and present as a strong influence as we move forward. Staying grounded and calm will serve you well.
A Word from Rachel
June gives us a parting gift with Neptune stationed retrograde on June 30 and helps us distinguish the mirage from the oasis. Our bubble may burst, but we’ll see a more straightforward path forward.
Find your Horoscope for July
You were born under the sign of the trailblazer, and your life path is self-defined. You’ve got grit and determination, even in the face of unexpected challenges. When life tosses you a curveball, you can rely on your ability to charge forth in a new way. This month might test your Aries adaptability. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 asks you to be willing to surrender and open up to something new, especially if you feel stuck.
Mars enters Virgo, the sign of organization, on July 10, granting you the mental resources to defend a position or declare a desire. The red planet fuels your desire to transmute any frustration or fury by becoming more involved with your community. With Mercury entering Leo that same day, you have a gift for expressing yourself. The messenger planet graces your writing, speaking, or teaching projects until July 28.
The Cancer New Moon on July 17 could make nostalgia a driving force, and you may be pulled toward nurturing relationships. Can you soften your boundaries and believe others want to love you without ulterior motives? The Cancer Sun gently offers this question for reflection. As Venus shines in Leo all month, others will pluck your heartstrings. Let love feel flirty, fun, and free. Venus goes retrograde on July 22, and it could bring you in contact with lovers from the past.
The most significant transit of the month is the North Node’s entry into your sign on July 17. For 18 months, you will redefine purpose according to your soul’s design. No more saying yes to mediocrity. Own your power to shape your life.
The Cancer Sun sends bittersweet waves of nostalgia through your heart. It’s one thing to reminisce, but it’s another to long for the way things used to be. Can you appreciate – no, celebrate – your life in the present moment? As Venus stations retrograde on July 22, you’ll explore all facets of the inquiry as you enter into 40 days of introspection and self-discovery.
Venus in Leo is flirty and wants you to have fun, but your Taurean sensibilities may not align with frolicking. If that describes you, lean into the beauty and sensual experiences in your everyday life. Stop and smell the roses, especially at the time of the Cancer New Moon on July 17, when creativity abounds.
The North Node destiny point has been in your sign since 2021, but it enters Aries on July 17, freeing you to live life without as much intensity. Life has pushed you beyond your comfort level, and how beautifully you’ve stretched in new directions! This month’s astrology indicates a levelling-off period for foundational growth.
Mercury in Leo from July 10 – 28 helps you bridge the intellect and the heart. It urges you to be more artful with your words, making it an excellent time for creative writing projects or public speaking. On July 27, Mercury meets Venus and shines hope for cooperative communication with family members. During Venus’s retrograde cycle, you could reconnect with loved ones from the past in a way that could heal a rift or offer context for a disappointing encounter.
Your life is in the process of expansion through pleasure. What brings you joy? What feels exciting? Follow those experiences, activities, and relationships to bring Jupiter’s abundance to light.
GEMINI (MAY 20 – JUNE 20):
You are encouraged to gaze at the night sky at least once this month, allowing its magnitude to inspire wonder. You’re more in tune with your purpose, and as the North Node enters Aries on July 17, you can let wonderment motivate your steps toward fulfilling it.
This month’s astrology stirs your emotions, and nostalgia could lead you to search for answers about your personal and familial history. If you feel drawn to dig through old photos, be prepared with a box of tissues. Any tears shed will have purification effects, helping you open space for blessings in your personal life, especially with the Cancer New Moon on July 17.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 highlights financial matters for you, allowing you to face fears that might keep you stuck in a situation that isn’t working for you. We can see in the dark during the Full Moon, and our shadows emerge for discovery. We do some of our most soulful work and clarify what keeps us from more meaningful lives.
Mars enters Virgo on July 10, which could be a hectic time in your home with renovation projects or moves. If you’re working on a project, rest often and avoid over-extending yourself to keep clumsiness at bay.
Venus is in flirtatious Leo all month, and while this influence is generally favourable for your social life, you could feel more introverted after it stations retrograde on July 22. Prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to time with friends. Relationships have moved through rough patches year, especially in the past two months. July offers a chance to communicate from the heart, leading to a breakthrough.
Let’s appreciate the Moon, your sign’s ruling luminary, and the magical way it reflects the Sun’s light with each phase. You’re in sync with the Moon’s phases and the cycles of nature. You also feel the vibes of others around you. Let the Moon be your metaphor and guiding symbol this month. Notice how you reflect others’ energies. Do you hide your light under a bushel? Let yourself shine as brightly as the Moon in the night sky.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 signals a relationship shift as you learn to relax and accept support from others. Take care to express your feelings and not bottle them up. Your typical coping strategies are less effective under this lunation, and you may need extra space to decompress. Attend to your deep needs for rest and solitude.
With Venus in Leo, you have a more relaxed attitude toward finances, making it a good month to buy those higher-ticket items or splurge. However, Venus starts her retrograde journey on July 22, and you may end up rethinking some purchasing decisions you make this year. Be sure to reassess your priorities and see what you can let go.
The Sun enters Leo on July 22, and its light can guide you to the water. Is it time for a vacation at the end of the month? If you can’t work one out logistically, plan a day trip to prioritize fun and relaxation.
On July 17, the New Moon in your sign offers hope, and your imagination stretches to consider opening new income streams or sharing your creativity in new ways.
LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22):
How brightly you shine! Venus glows in your sign all month, casting a warm, luxuriant tone to every aspect of your life. Venus is the planet of beauty, love, and grace. Its influence is magnetic, and as you head into July, consider what you’d like to magnetize in your life. With Mars in your sign until July 20, you can balance attraction with pursual as you invite opportunities, supportive relationships, or a mindset shift.
At the beginning of the month, the Cancer Sun beams its light on the past, stirring memories and awakening compassion for past versions of yourself. Prioritize rest at the Cancer New Moon on July 17. You’re working hard, necessitating a balance of body, mind, and spirit.
On July 22, Venus goes retrograde, sparking change in your experience of love. Can you reach new levels of self-acceptance? Is forgiveness possible as a healing modality? Your heart is undergoing a metamorphosis, and as a result, you might crave a new look. But remember, when Venus is under her retrograde illusion, we tend to make retro decisions, revisiting past looks or versions of ourselves.
The Sun enters your sign on July 22, and the skies clear. The waves of emotion you feel at the beginning of the month help purify your psyche if you’re willing to be present for the thoughts and memories revealed through the process. You’re opening new neural pathways that can help you optimize success in every area of your life.
The Sun in your sign shines rays of hope and lets you see possibilities where things were bleak before. You are a guiding light for others in a time of radical change, and you can ground yourself in knowing things will be better than okay.
Human brains are wired for harmony. Scientists say our auditory nerve fibres perceive when two dissonant frequencies are played together in music, and they stir unpleasant feelings. In music and other areas of life, we crave resolution for dissonance and want relief from tension. Mars enters your sign on July 10, leaving you with a worthwhile task. Harmonize unpleasant aspects of your life, which could mean setting boundaries, clearing clutter, or cutting activities out of your schedule.
The Sun in Cancer shines on your dreams, inspiring you to focus more on the long-term vision and less on the day-to-day. Connect with others to brainstorm and collaborate, especially at the Cancer New Moon on July 17. This lunation helps you realize the people who will play a significant role in future endeavours. Invite others in.
On July 3, the Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your sector of creativity and pleasure, activating your inner artist and helping you find joy in the simple things. This lunar energy could inspire a new hobby or reignite a passion. Remember, perfection isn’t your main objective; it’s having fun and enjoying the creative process.
The love goddess Venus will be moving through Leo all month. She stations retrograde on July 22, stirring up buried feelings and bringing hidden aspects of your relationships to conscious awareness. Your openness and honesty can be your guiding lights.
As the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it starts preparing you for your birthday season. It’s time to cultivate spiritual wellness through meditation, yoga, or long walks in nature. Create space in your life for new intentions to bloom.
Your ruling planet, Venus, stations retrograde on July 22, and you might feel suspended at the threshold of a doorway with one foot in the past and one in the present. As a result, you could feel stuck between unrealized dreams and unexpected obligations. What’s the solution? Consider soul-searching and take time away from your routine to do it.
The Sun shines and Cancer until July 22, illuminating the area of your chart dedicated to your mission and calling. Stay alert and available—you never know when your next call to adventure will ring. You’ll likely receive news on July 10 when Mercury moves into Leo.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 deepens family ties, making it a good time for a gathering or reunion. Ease any tensions by coordinating events that foster heartfelt connections and celebrations. With Venus moving through Leo for the entire month, love takes on a more playful and lighthearted tone. Give yourself permission to adopt a more carefree attitude towards your relationships, even if lingering concerns are yet to be addressed. It’s a more relaxed time and enjoying it might be the solution to your challenges.
On July 21, the Sun enters Leo, inviting you to engage in peacemaking efforts. Try not to let political disagreements or divergent opinions force strict divides. Embrace the opportunity to partake in your social circles and groups.
The South Node enters your sign on July 17, ushering you into an 18-month cycle of exploring all aspects of relationships, especially how you love yourself. A craving for autonomy could accompany the yearning for more authentic connections. Remember, you don’t have to be alone to feel free.
Well, Scorpio, it’s that time of the year again—Cancer season. It’s when we break out the tissue boxes and let nostalgia tug our heartstrings. Like your sign, Cancer is a water sign that stirs our emotions. Dust off those old home videos and invite your loved ones down memory lane.
The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3 offers a space to balance freedom and commitment. Are there chores you can delegate or activities you could skip? The Cancer Sun invites you to make space for the things you love, like spending time with your children, playing pickleball with friends, or developing a hobby. With Mercury moving through Cancer until July 10, your mind moves faster than usual, making this a time to cultivate ideas, especially in your professional life or volunteer activities.
Venus in Leo reconnects you with past professional contacts and colleagues. When Venus turns retrograde on July 22, you may feel nostalgic for a missed opportunity, a past career, or an unexplored professional path. Remember, there is always time for a fresh start, but it’s also important to recognize your limitations.
Your month features romance. You sense subtle changes in your daily interactions, signs of larger breakthroughs. With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, glowing in your opposite sign, you can see the best in others. You’re seeing the best in yourself mirrored back to you. Embrace everything that makes you lovable and take some time for introspection to identify areas for improvement.
The Sun moves into Leo on July 22, and as Chiron stations retrograde on July 23, you may experience a heightened sense of urgency. Whatever requires letting go will prompt you to release it.
If life recently has felt like an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, I have good news! This month’s astrology indicates clarity and vision. Complications related to health, life path decisions, and significant transitions will find resolution, paving the way for decisive action. Steady on through the Cancer season. As the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it shines rays of optimism. Keep the faith—what may feel like a puzzle is more like magic in progress.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 illuminates a tension between the tangible and the abstract. You yearn for a break—a genuine reprieve. However, life’s daily chores leave no room for a pause. At the start of the month, prioritize your well-being. Boost your immune system and avoid exhaustion. Fresh ideas inspire your imagination, but you need support. People are a part of your plan. All you have to do is reach out and connect.
As Venus shines in Leo, it casts a flirty and playful glow. Leo, a fellow fire sign, kindles your confidence—one of your most attractive traits. Venus stations retrograde on July 22; for 40 days, your love life could take an unexpected turn, especially if you’re single. To sidestep misunderstandings, add a dash of humour to disagreements, and be willing to let go of any need to be right. If a loved one can’t see your viewpoint, let the heat of the argument dissipate before advocating for your position.
The Cancer New Moon on June 17 leads you through a gateway to spiritual truths and insights. You’re open to remarkable discoveries. It’s also a social New Moon. You’re wide awake and available to receive.
We start this month with a powerful Full Moon in your sign on July 3. During the Full Moon phases, we can see what we otherwise can’t in the dark. Spiritual awakenings inspire profound realizations that change the trajectory of our lives. Because this one occurs in your sign, you will feel led to overcome fears and clear any obstacles from your path. You could even receive a divine appointment, a sacred call. Make decisions with integrity, leading with your heart and soul.
The Sun moves through Cancer until July 22, making it a month to reflect on your ability to open to receiving love and goodness in your life. Can you allow others to support you when moving through a transition? Don’t be surprised if someone volunteers to help out, and if so, accept it with gratitude.
Venus stations retrograde in Leo on July 22. Communicate clearly and honestly with others, especially your partner. Express your joys, sorrows, frustrations, and desires without holding back. You could feel called to make new commitments or shift how you allow yourself to be treated by those closest in your life. On July 23, Chiron stations retrograde and contributes to the shift, asking you to face fears. At the end of the month, root yourself in ancestry and nurture family ties.
With several retrograde planets this month, including your ruling planet Saturn, you might sometimes feel at a standstill. You have a more definite sense of your professional goals, but the plan could unfold slower than you’d like. Trust in divine timing and exercise patience. It is an excellent time to draw more attention to yourself through marketing or social media.
Your sign has visionary qualities. It is the Zodiacal guardian of technology, space exploration, and the internet. So, this month might feel strange because the Sun is in nostalgic Cancer, and several planets are going retrograde, directing your focus to the past and not the future. It means reminiscing with old friends or re-learning a lesson you thought you had mastered. You’ll likely discover nuggets of truth that help clarify questions that have weighed on your mind for years. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 calls you into a time of fascination and exploration.
Venus, the planet of love, moves through Leo – your opposite sign – all month before beginning her retrograde journey on July 22. Let’s borrow Leo’s playful spirit to add levity to relationships, shaking off any undue seriousness. Leo’s influence highlights the passions of our heart’s connections, making this a time to experience relationships without cool detachment.
Your romantic relationships could pull you to extremes, especially in the first part of July with Mars at the last degrees of Leo. You can feel the full spectrum of emotions as you solve more complicated relationship questions.
As the Sun enters fiery Leo on July 22, you could feel a magnetic pull towards water – whether a relaxing pool dip or a soothing bath to unwind. Let relaxation work its magic on your mind, body, and spirit.
With Saturn going retrograde in your money house, financial prosperity is all about your mindset this month. Commit to making balanced choices from your head and your heart. There’s no need for self-sacrifice. It is your time to shine!
As the Sun shines in Cancer (until July 22), it activates your sensitivities, attuning you to the natural rhythms of the season, the vibes of others, and the spiritual forces of magic. What a wonder – to feel alive in this beautiful world! Let it be a season of discovery.
The Cancer New Moon on July 17 brings you into a creative play space. Your imagination could carry you into new worlds if you allow yourself space to daydream. Jot your ideas in a journal and let them, like seeds, germinate. You can revisit them in another year and see what’s borne fruit.
Venus shines in Leo all month, helping you recognize the gifts in your everyday life. Venus stations retrograde on July 22, letting you pause to reflect on how you might draw more support into your life. Notice what feels like hard work and investigate a delegation plan. Also, break up the monotony by inviting others to connect and collaborate. People are your number-one resource this month.
The North Node destiny point enters Aries on July 17. Mark your calendar for this transitional date and notice your thoughts about money. For 18 months, you’ll study all facets, including investments, income, and spending. It’s time to get busy materializing your money intentions, and it all starts with defining your values and priorities.
Your love life may be a roller-coaster ride this month with Venus retrograde after the 22nd. Diving into the depths of nostalgia could lead you to reconnect with someone from your past. Trust that your soul is part of an unfolding story that’s still being written, and if your intuition rings any alarm bells, don’t ignore them!
Rachel Lang studied astrology under the mentorship of some world-renowned astrologers and dedicated herself to the craft. She received certification from the American Federation of Astrologers and is a member of ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. Rachel is the Vice President of the local NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) Los Angeles chapter. To read more go to Rachel’s website rachellangastrologer.comÂ
Curious? What does stationed retrograde mean?
Retrogrades and stations are particular kinds of planetary transits. Retrograde means “backwards.â€Â Its opposite is direct, which means “forwards.â€Â Station means “stationary.â€Â Astrologers use these words to describe the movements of planets in the sky and to interpret their meaning for those of us here on Earth. |