November Horoscopes – Communication through the senses
A Word from Rachel
On a walk in my neighbourhood, I found The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate―Discoveries from A Secret World by Peter Wohlleben in my neighbourhood’s Little Free Library. Trees have a whole communication system with one another – they’re quite social! They also care for one another and build bonds over hundreds of years, sending signals to one another through the wood wide web, an underground network of microbes. So, we communicate in ways that cannot be explained with our five senses. We’re plugged into our networks of energy, emotions, and frequencies. This month, strange signals are firing along those invisible communication channels. You’re probably feeling it now as it rises in intensity.
Intensity could be a keyword for the month. Between October 25 and November 10, we move through the two-week eclipse tunnel – life presents us with wild cards, sudden turns of events, and chance encounters. In the blink of an eye, your life could change!
On November 8, we have a total lunar eclipse with the Moon and Uranus in Taurus in a stressful t-square aspect pattern with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius. This eclipse will be quite political because it falls on Election Day here in the US and punctuates the Saturn-Uranus square of last year. We’ll see everything rise to a crescendo in the first two weeks of the month, generating enough energy to catalyse big changes in our lives. No matter what outcomes happen, trust that everything aligns for the best and highest good. Eclipses fast-forward us onto our paths, even if they’re uncomfortable.
Mars is going retrograde all month long, making this a time when we could be pushed into making decisions we’re not ready to make – ones we may have to do over if we’re too rushed. Patience is a keyword. Mars is moving through Gemini, giving us a way with words. Be mindful of the information you’re absorbing. Dig deep to discover the truth.
Mars retrograde adds fuel to any conflict at the beginning of the month. On November 19, it forms a square aspect to Neptune, reminding us of an unresolved frustration we had around October 11. Can we restore a sense of balance when confusion throws us off course? It’s important to remember Mars’s retrograde cycles require our slow, careful steps forward, and we can grow restless and impatient if we’re not mindful of the gifts of uncertainty or the blessings of delays. Rejection is protection.
Venus forms a trine aspect with Neptune on November 10, and the Sun makes a trine to Neptune on November 14, showing an outpouring of grace after the intensity of early November. We can heal by restoring a sense of wholeness to the fractured parts of ourselves or the aspects of life that most need our love and care. If you need some inspiration, imagine communicating with others as trees do – through an invisible web.
On November 15, Venus enters Sagittarius, and Mercury enters it on the seventeenth. They pave the way for the Sun’s entrance on November 22. We will all sigh in relief as we enter a meaningful Sagittarius season, which kicks off on the heels of the Sun trine Jupiter transit on November 20, lightening our moods and allowing us to feel abundant. May that feeling linger into the end of the month.
Jupiter stations direct on November 23, and the planet of expansion invites us to dream big. We have the fortitude to accomplish our end-of-the-year goals. We also have manifesting power with Mars in a trine aspect to Saturn on November 28. We can stabilize ourselves while changing currents and open our hearts to more than we might have imagined.
November Horoscopes
To the Ancient Greeks, Mars was the god of war and the guardian of agriculture. Mars was a protector. This month, Mars is moving retrograde, inviting us to take a deep inquiry into our boundaries. Do we rush into a defensive posture if we perceive a threat? Do we invite argument to resist intimacy? If you feel fired up, practice taking three deep breaths and speaking from your heart.
Mars challenges Neptune on November 19, awakening your dreams. It is a good day to journal, talk to a counsellor, and take mid-day walks to ground into your body and still your mind.
On November 5, the Sun in Scorpio conjoins the South Node, and you are invited to make peace with the past. Be willing to see any aspects of yourself hiding in the shadows. The first eight days of the month are full of revelations that could lead to relationship breakthroughs.
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8 catalyses change in how you experience abundance. This lunation features themes of finances, trust, and stability. Be willing to let go of “good enough†to invite in a miracle. Saturn is on your side to structure beams of support.
Lightness and joy come with Sagittarius season on November 22, when the Sun meets Venus and Mercury. At the end of the month, connect with your fellow free-spirited fire signs. Sign up for the astrology course you’ve been eyeing, drive into the mountains, and spend some time with spirit! The New Moon on the 23 is a great day to get lost in adventure or plan travels.
We ended last month with an intense Solar Eclipse in your partnerships sector, and November starts by energizing your “urge to merge.†On November 5, your chart ruler, Venus, opposes Uranus, raising impulsivity and a need for freedom. You want changes in any aspect of relationships that aren’t working. This year, the North Node’s journey is redefined as you rethink your values in partnerships, including the most important partnership– YOU with YOU!
The total Lunar Eclipse happens on November 8. With the intensity of emotions, you might decide to change your appearance, but be wary of drastically dyeing your hair or getting a tattoo. Find your grounding with practices like breathwork or gardening. Pauses are your friends. Wait a few days and come back to the decision.
Mars is retrograde all month, making finances a hot topic. Before making any risky financial decisions, maintain a realistic outlook. Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on November 23, reminding you to lean on community and friendships that are sweet, solid, and authentic.
Sagittarius season starts on November 22, when the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in the archer sign. It could be a good time for a healing retreat. The New Moon on November 23 could signify the beginning of a visionary journey or an investment in your well-being. Move with trust.
Mars stationed retrograde on October 30, and it will be in the sign of the twins until March 2023. These next few months are an invitation to take care of your body. Connect with embodied practices that support you in feeling safe here on earth. It is okay to distance yourself from the culture of urgency by fine-tuning your daily practices. Throughout this transit, Jupiter in Pisces will support you in activating your gifts, sensitivities, and intuition for more creative flow in your career.
Scorpio season starts in the two-week tunnel between eclipses – the solar one on October 25 and the lunar one on November 8. Eclipses shake open any cracks in the foundations of our lives, and thoughts rise from those hidden spaces of our subconscious. This transit highlights where you could use an upgrade in your self-care rituals and routines. Lean into everyday rituals and herbal allies that support your nervous system and improve your sleep cycle. Passionflower, Lemon Balm, and Blue Vervain can support you as a nighttime infusion to sip as you soak in a tub or lounge by the fireplace. Embody gratitude in these quiet moments.
Sagittarius Season starts on November 22, and the Sun joins relational Venus and communicative Mercury. The end of the month brings joy to your committed partnerships and client relationships. As Jupiter stations direct in Pisces, your gifts become more recognizable at work. You could also feel a perfect balance between connection and autonomy in your partnerships. The Sagittarius New Moon could mark the beginning of a working or romantic relationship.
Enter into a creative flow this month, Cancer, and make self-expression your spiritual practice. Write, dance, sing, and share your gifts with the world. If you have been tucked into your artist’s studio or home office, the Lunar Eclipse on November 8 invites you to prioritize your community. Consider becoming involved with your community garden or tending to abandoned spaces. You might feel challenges and tension between your social life and personal interests. Trust that this tension will pass by the end of the month.
Mars retrograde challenges Neptune on November 19, and you might feel an inner pressure to heal and be whole. If so, consider the metaphor of a baby chick pecking its way out of its thick shell. Everything takes time. Allow life to unfold in its own time before you search for a way out of the doldrums of a tedious commitment.
Jupiter in Pisces goes direct on November 23, inspiring your spiritual life through study, travel, or ritual experiences. Books, blogs, and journals are great allies at this time in your life. Indulge.
Sagittarius season shines a light on how you tend to your mental, spiritual, and physical health. Be cognizant of burnout or taking on too many projects. Be gentle with yourself. The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 invites renewed vows or new routines in your self-care rituals. Try a new physical activity that helps you work with the Martian flames. Swimming is one suggestion for you as a water sign.
Only under extreme heat and pressure can carbon atoms form into diamonds. Leo, you have had a pressure-filled 2022, and here is your message of encouragement. Aspects of yourself are crystalizing into beautiful new facets – new ways to shine your light in the world. You’ve heard your sacred call and awakened to your voice. Every unforeseen change brings a new realization, and you’ve expanded into your purpose.
Last month’s Solar Eclipse asked you to heal, purge, and work through memories related to your family of origin. You’ve recognized some similar patterns in your career and public life. Remember, your experiences do not define you; they crystalize facets of your brilliant self. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 8 activates career potential. The Moon signals a time to negate doubtful inner dialogue and weaken the structures of those familial patterns.
Mars went retrograde on October 30. You are likely feeling social pressure to be hype visible in your power, like your sign’s symbol, the lion. However, Neptune and Jupiter in watery Pisces dampen your inner fire. It’s okay to slow down and feel your big feelings – they’re the gateway to healing. As a Leo, the world feels your shine even when you retreat inward.
Sagittarius season starts on November 22, and Venus, Mercury, and the Sun form a favourable trine aspect to your sign! Alchemize this past month’s intense astrology through play, dance, and expression. The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 can help you manifest a creative project that might involve travel! As Jupiter goes direct on November 23, expect some foreshadows of luck to come in 2023.
Have you ever tried to walk backward? It’s awkward, right? Maybe you’ve felt like that in your love life recently as Jupiter moved back into your sector of partnerships. While Jupiter’s influence is faith-filled and favourable, it can magnify our regrets along with the joys of romantic love. If you catch yourself looking backward, stop for a beat and view those memories through the lens of self-love. On November 20, indulge in heart-to-hearts with loved ones, and use your words like a healing balm.
On November 8, the Taurus Lunar Eclipse offers awareness around a common Virgo tension between mysticism and practicality. (Or expansion versus busywork.)Â Notice when you default to the comfortable rhythm of your to-do list when faced with the real challenge of stretching beyond your comfort zone. Try an exercise of writing in stream-of-conscious to release pressure if you feel a crisis of faith.
On November 19, Mars and Neptune square off again. Maybe you can’t see how to balance your 1-1 relationships and career goals. You have permission to create a sacred space in your home and boundaries to protect your time, energy, and resources. Assess whether your significant relationships arouse anxiety or peace, and identify when your need to please roots you into those feelings.
The Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius on November 22, and it illuminates your home. It could be a favourable time to organize your space, add more light, or create a sense of spaciousness to welcome friends that feel like family. Invest time in joyful nesting, especially with the New Moon on November 23.
Venus is the planetary guardian of romantic love and money. Last month, Venus moved into the heart of the Sun, and we felt the surge of transformative power in both areas of our lives. The story isn’t over yet. Cue the theme song for Chariots of Fire because we are racing into a new chapter. The energy swells throughout the first part of November. On November 5, the Moon conjoins healer/mentor Chiron. On the same day, Venus opposes Uranus in Taurus. You could feel out of sorts, sensitive, and introspective due to circumstances that feel out of your control. You’re allowed space.
Scorpio season has been shining a light on your resources and self-worth. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8 shines a light on the things we don’t discuss at dinner parties: money, sex, and politics. It’s a deep-feeling time. Make space to feel your grief. You’re being invited to release baggage (though I hate to use that word… it’s more like uncried tears).
Refrain from making impulsive financial decisions. Strategize around your resources, finances, and spending. Mercury and Venus in Scorpio will support you.
You likely feel a strong urge to travel with Mars retrograde in your 9th house, especially if you feel disillusioned with your day-to-day work. Jupiter in Pisces could rain good fortune on your career, and a trip could come sooner than you know.
Sagittarius season starts on November 22. The end of the year is a good time for writing, reading, and daily rituals. Walk a different route to work or school and try listening to new podcasts. Expansion starts with your mindset.
How are you doing, Scorpio? With the South Node in your sign this year, you have been shedding skin and leaning into your purpose. Have you read any of mycologist Paul Stamets’ books? If not, consider reading Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness, and Save the Planet as homework. Can you draw from the mushroom metaphor in thinking of your transformation? It’s biomimicry – mushrooms are connected by a mycelial mat – a web of intersecting connections. Tap into your web of support– both people and plants. This month, your allies are lemon balm, rosemary, borage, nettles, and other grounding herbs.
The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th shines a light on how your shadow shows up in relationship dynamics. Uranus invites an electrifying change for the better. You can release the heavy emotions you’ve held for so long.
Your chart ruler, Mars, is in your 8th house through March of 2023. Be wary of escapism throughout the intense month, especially during the first two weeks. In romantic relationships, pleasure pathways can come through sharing creative visions or deep emotional connections. November 19 feels dreamy but ungrounded. Stay present.
Jupiter stations direct on November 23. This transit brings sweetness and abundance into your creative life. Moving forward on creative projects and your dreams to have a family. Sagittarius season and the Sagittarius New Moon on November 23 can be a time for creative strategizing on how to experience more abundance. The key is to usher in the start of innovative projects that support your well-being.
October ended with your ruling planet, Jupiter, re-entering
its other home sign, Pisces. As the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter
shines a bright light in the sector of your chart it occupies. It wants to
sprinkle good luck all through your home and family. Maybe you get approved for
a dream apartment, embark on a project to beautify your house, or move in with
loved ones who bring out your radiance. When Jupiter stations direct on the 23,
the changes you’ve wanted in your domestic affairs will likely manifest.
The Taurus Lunar Eclipse happens in your sector of work and
preventive health. It is a good time to abandon habits that don’t support your
well-being. Any gaps in your personal care habits will show limits to
self-love. For example, you could identify a link between self-worth and good
dental hygiene. When we neglect our inner voice in one area of our life, we
often tune it out in other areas.
Mars and Neptune continue to face off with one another this
month, highlighting tensions between your one-on-one relationships and your
family. You might feel stress or pressure from your housemates, partners, or
family of origin. When you feel this tension, drink a glass of water or take a
cool shower. Allow the element of water to pacify the inner fires of
frustration or doubt.
Your season starts on November 23, when the Sun meets up
with Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. This month is all about you! Expect a
boost in self-confidence. The New Moon on November 23 can bring good energy
into your life. People will feel magnetized to you. Live into your magic.
We start November in the heart of eclipse season. The South Node has asked you to create a directory of friends and separate the innermost circle from the rest. These will be the ones to prioritize this month as the intense Scorpio Sun shines down. Regulate your social energy and balance work-related networking activities with heart-expanding conversations. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8 is a great time to work with the dense energy of the moment and create something beautiful. Alchemize compulsive thoughts through creative processes. You might try working with plant dyes or tending to your garden.
On October 30, Mars retrograded in your work sector, delaying plans and stalling progress. Don’t push against the resistance; give yourself a break sometimes. On November 19, Mars challenges Neptune in Pisces. Physically use Mars’ energy through kickboxing, trail running, or martial art. See how a stream of conscious writing can be part of your self-care ritual, but try to write about what’s going on in your body, not just your mind. Jupiter in Pisces will support your writing practices and communication with loved ones.
Sagittarius season starts on November 22, bringing you to a more private space. The end of fall in the Northern Hemisphere is the perfect time for a season of self-reflection, of tending to your internal gardens after a season of being more outward-focused. You can bring joy and exploration into your retreat space, making it a great time for a solo road trip. The New Moon on November 23 can lead to a spiritual initiation.
On November 5, the Scorpio Sun forms a conjunction with the South Node, a celestial point related to our comfort zone. Are you ready to take a leap of faith? To stretch up to see new horizons? Perhaps it’s time to transition out of a career that no longer feels purposeful or to recognize the subtle ways in which fear holds you back.
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus activates the part of your chart connected to your root structures, and you may have family shake-ups and breakthroughs as a result. How were your roots supported in your early life? Now is the time to ground in deeper to nourishing support systems and from there, branch out to new heights.
With Mars retrograde, you likely feel a strong desire to express your creativity. Life’s practicalities may stand between you and your masterpiece, but keep envisioning what’s possible. Creative blocks are either fear (as resistance) or part of an incubation process. On November 19, Mars challenges Neptune. Wait for the fog of confusion to lift before making any financial decisions. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, shines in Pisces, and you feel more optimistic about money in general. It could be time to ask for a raise or write a grant proposal for your non-profit. Have faith in your ability to flow with life’s changes. On November 28, a Mars-trine-Saturn transit helps you ground and materialize success. You are a shining light, and it’s time to be recognized for your gifts.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22. Consider travel and community involvement. The New Moon on the 23 can usher you into a new collective.
Mars, our feisty red planet, knows how to pick a fight. Mars has been moving through Gemini, and it’s motivating some changes in your home life. You might decide to knock down walls or tear up the carpet. Focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll be pleased with the results.
Mars relates to conflict, and we feel a little more sensitive to criticism or anger when the warrior planet is moving backward. Find ways to release pent-up frustrations to keep the peace at home. The ongoing Mars-square-Neptune transit may leave you feeling physically tired or spaced out. Allow yourself to move slowly and take care of your physical health.
Jupiter re-enters your sign at the end of October, bringing you luck, faith, and a breath of fresh air. A trip to an ocean or stream could take you away from any homegrown tension.
The Sun moves through Scorpio until November 22. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th stirs up change. Lean into your creative outlets for emotional support to ride the waves. You might feel the desire to escape your everyday duties and delve into a good mystery novel or go on an adventure. Trips don’t always need to be long distance – you can take a day trip and still get away from it all.
The Sagittarius Sun shines a light on your public life and career. By November 22, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will all enter Sagittarius, bringing a boost to your career. The Sagittarius New Moon on November 23 could present you with a new career opportunity. Allow yourself to be witnessed in your essence and magic.
Rachel Lang is an astrologer, author, and teacher – to read more go to