Freedom Through Education Nepal Supporting Students Educational Journey


Freedom Through Education Nepal held a musical evening plus a Tibetan and Aboriginal Art Auction to raise funds for the 28 students they are supporting to continue their educational journey On Saturday the 27th  

Everyone had a great evening with Participating Musicians: Dharma Kavisha Mazzella award-winning singer will perform her songs followed by the HeartPlace choir. Julian Silburn, Tenille Bentley, and January from the internationally awarded Encoda 432hz music group. PLUS Special Guests: Charles from The Sound Temple,  KAIA beautiful Scottish singer, Kate Nelson leading a beautiful yoga meditation.

If you were not able to come to the Concert Event
Please DONATE directly to Help Freedom Through Education Nepal
FTEN is 100% not for Profit (NFP) and is also registered with RAWCS – Rotary Australia World Community Service

with Heartfelt thanks

Dharma Kavisha Mazzella, Jimmy Spence

and the children from Nepal

More info on Freedom Through Education Nepal

We empower individuals within families of Nepal to reach their fullest potential through schooling, education opportunities, and projects to help women through sustainable microfinancing options such as sewing and other craft skills for their own empowerment

Freedom Through Education Nepal’s average yearly costs are $12,000, this covers the 28 children we have in three Public schools within Kathmandu city.

* All students have the opportunity to learn how to read and write, learn two languages, and how to do basic mathematics.

*  These are the most important subjects for them to learn so they can break free from a life of poverty.

Your donations support the admission of 28 students, monthly fees, books, stationery, school supplies, uniforms, shoes, socks, school backpacks, winter jackets, and warm beanies. 

* The school uniforms and shoes are handmade to fit the student. As they are stronger and last longer, children often use them after school to play in.

We commission a local project manager Bikram to oversee the project and to keep an eye out for the children to prevent discrimination.

FTEN provides extra tutors for some of the children who struggle with their studies for $100 per month.

FTEN has a kitty for medical emergencies and medicine is sometimes required for the children and or their parents. We try to keep this at AUD 1000.

FTEN works within Australia.

Money is spent on stationary, updating software programs, purchasing a recent gazebo for fundraising, and running fundraising events.

Once a year all the children we sponsor in Nepal are taken on a picnic with their moms and fathers if they can attend.

Food parcels are handed out in emergencies.

We cater not just to the children’s education but to them and their families’ wellbeing.

The children who have been educated are now much more able to avoid a life of poverty.

This kind of support is a game changer and has already made a huge difference for many children and families since 2015.

Without this kind of support children in this situation are limited to the worst kind of jobs including plastic picking which is considered one of the better jobs, where children are working day and night in harsh environmental and social conditions.

All money raised goes towards giving 28 school children from the Untouchable Caste a rare opportunity for a safe education for the year. Please come with your friends and support us to change a child’s life.

For more information visit the website

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