Dare to Dream and Live the Life You Desire

dare to dream

Humans! We are such an amazing species and so interesting. Everything is really within our reach. We think our life depends on others, but really, it’s created in our thoughts, in our minds, everything that we want to experience.

What we want to have, everything. It’s almost like it’s a hologram of our life. We think of something and as we think we create this big energetic cloud on top of our head with our thoughts and our desires. So, we need to be clear about what we think and what we desire.

And yes, everything is within our reach. Nothing can really stop us. The only thing that can stop us is our thoughts and our attitude to life. So, it is in terms of our health, our wealth, our friends, our family around us and everything around us.

It all starts with us. It begins inside of us. Everything exists within. So, if you want good health, and I often coach about good health, then pay attention to what you eat, and what your body is processing. Then pay even more attention to what comes out at the other end.

What is your body eliminating? What is it unable to assimilate and utilise? When you’re eliminating your urine, does your urine smell? Is your urine colourful or clear? Does your poop, yes, your poop, float or sink? Is your poop hard and cooked? Are there chunks of poop or is it fragmented? Does it sink or float? Is there any mucus?

Pay attention. It’s so important for us to pay attention to what we process either way. Our thoughts, our food, our desires. It’s so important for us to notice what is happening to us emotionally. We begin to pay attention to how we speak to others and our attitude. Imagine driving in traffic on the freeway. Imagine someone suddenly cuts in front of you and you start reacting. What’s happening inside of your body? Does your body go into reactive mode or does your body become a watcher or witness to see what is going on inside of you?

Perhaps something has happened to the other person. We never know. Humans: we are a very interesting species. We all look the same, but we are so different. Yet we are driven by the same force, impulse. Yes, impulse!

This biological thing that is supporting you as a human being is supporting me as a human being. This biological thing is so amazing and so intriguing when you start to pay attention to what is happening inside of you.

Dare to Dream Anonia Ruhl

Who I am doesn’t define me, what I do does.

How would you like to create the hologram for your life? It can change all the time. It doesn’t have to be a hologram for the future. Make the change now. Life is happening now. Your hologram is created in this moment.

Your thoughts are a hologram. It’s almost like your brain opens up and creates this hologram on top of your head and then you broadcast it. Whatever you want to experience. Your hopes and dreams. You’ll find other brains start showing up in your life to support you in your hopes and dreams.

Whatever you want to experience, open to your hopes and dreams. You’ll find other brains show up to support you in realising your hopes and dreams.

Wishing you the best in manifesting your dreams
With love and gratitude

Antonia Ruhl

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