Crop Circle Avebury found July 2


A spectacular new crop picture near Avebury on July 2, 2021 seems to show the “hexagonal storm on Saturn”. Why did they draw this particular field image of a “Storm” for us to see now?  

Each of 6 spiral arms from its large hexagonal shape has been subdivided into 17 lateral “slices”.

There are approximately 13 zigzag motifs within the fallen lay of green wheat, outside of each of 6 sides of its “hexagon” (a precise number is difficult to count from aerial photographs alone).

Many Zig-zag motifs around the outside of this new crop picture (approximately 70 or 80) might thus be meant to resemble the large, outer ring of standing stones at Avebury nearby. They might also be meant to represent 360 deg. of lunar Right Ascension, at precisely 5 deg. each, if their total number equals 6 x 12 = 72 (not certain yet).    In any case, the clock-like date suggested by this new crop picture could be July 17, when our Moon will show the same 50% phase as on July 2 (waning then waxing). Or July 19, which will be 17 days of the Moon past when the crop picture appeared?

We do know that this new crop picture near Avebury resembles a “storm on Saturn”, with its large hexagonal shape and broad, internal swirling motions (see ). Yet we do not know why the crop artists chose to show it to us at this particular time. Another crop picture with “6 hexagons” was drawn in a similar location near Avebury on July 24, 2005 (see ).   In summary, will we experience a Storm of some kind (political, geological or astronomical) on Earth soon, or are the crop artists just being “artistic”? Let us watch the skies and crops to learn more!

C.C. at Herepath, Nr Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. UK.
Reported 2nd July.   Map Ref: SU1051770191
Updated Sunday 4th July  2021 ;


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