November Shakeup – Keep Trust in Your Inner Guidance and Supportive...

A Word From Rachel Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride this November. There are two New Moons, one in Scorpio and...

October’s Astrological Events Promise to Shake Things Up

October 2024 brings an array of astrological events that promise to shake things up. With a new moon solar eclipse on October 2 and...

September Horoscopes: Creativity Blossoms as New Cycles Begin

Spring energy is creative and expansive. Now is the perfect time to embrace your creativity and allow the energy to flow in new directions....

Reimagining and Opening to New Awareness- Horoscopes for July

A Word From Rachel I picture late June and early July energies feeling like a collective baptism. Neptune's influence cannot be understated. It stations retrograde...

New Moon in Cancer July 5th 2024 by Astrologer Pam Gregory

Pam talks about the first half of July and the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th. What does this mean for you?
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