What Does a Yogi or Magician Do?

A Yogi or Magician does one thing: they control their individual universe. They are not passive witnesses of an external reality that affects them...

Astrological Insights for 2025

Prepare to navigate the astrology of 2025, a year destined to reshape our collective consciousness. Join astrologer Rachel Lang for a special event that...

It’s 2025 … Welcome to the Joy of Living in a...

Word for the year: Kindness Qualities to harness: compassion, empathy, gratitude, kindness and LOVE for mankind and love of life itself. By all reports from astrologists...

Digital Dharma by Deepak Chopra

Digital Dharma unveils a groundbreaking perspective, illuminating how widely accessible chatbots can guide individuals through various levels of human potential. Through an array of personal assessments...

NDEs and Spirtually Aware Parenting with Efrat Shokef, Ph.D.

Efrat Shokef, Ph.D., is a mother to three spiritually aware teens. She is a daughter, wife, sister, writer, teacher, cosmic journeyer, and a shamanic...
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