September 2021
With the sun shining in Virgo until September 22, we start the month focused on organizing our lives. We want to eliminate distractions, clarify the next steps, and create structures to support the goals we have in place. It’s also a time of discernment when we weed out what no longer fits in our lives. We do the work of setting boundaries, prioritizing our wellbeing, and bringing our lives into order before Libra season starts on the 22nd.
The Virgo new moon on September 6 features a trine with Uranus, the planet of surprises and sudden insights. Be open to the magic at work in your life. New ideas may take time to implement, but we have a newfound vision for how events might unfold with this lunation. We can catch a glimpse of possibilities we weren’t able to see before. Because this new moon touches Uranus, it also pulls us away from any rigid beliefs and rules we’ve internalized. It gives us a hunger for freedom and helps us see a path toward it. A gentle Venus trine Jupiter could bring people into our lives to support us in surprising ways. This new moon offers us the chance for a fresh start.
Venus enters intense and passionate Scorpio, helping us solidify financial or relationship commitments. We feel more compelled to follow our hearts and more led to go deeper in conversations with others, falling in love, and experiences of pleasure. Venus in Scorpio reminds us love is a spiritual force. Loving others allows us to access the divinity within ourselves. Loving ourselves helps us receive the love of others.
Mars enters Scorpio on September 14, and we feel motivated by the pursuit of justice. It is a time when your inner activist comes out in full force, speaking out on behalf of others who need your support. It’s also a time when you might seek peace in conflict situations in your life. We are more apt to mediate than fight during this time.
September 20 brings us the Pisces full moon, a time of spiritual reflections, psychic awareness, and mystical dreams. It could be a more emotional time as realizations about yourself and others shine forth from hidden places in our psyches. That day, Mars trine the North Node activates our path of purpose and reminds us to take a careful step beyond our comfort zone. We have to make peace with a painful event from the past and integrate that experience in a way that lets us know it’s all going to be okay.
We come out stronger as we move out of Virgo season and into Libra time on September 22. The Libra sun helps bring us out of a time of organization and work and into a time of connection with others. We want to talk, share ideas, and relate with others in ways that inspire collaboration. It’s also a time of romance for our relationships, but Mercury stations retrograde on September 26 as a teacher nudging us to improve communication with one another. The urge for partnership might meet the frustration that comes when you don’t see eye to eye.
Mercury retrograde also brings us back in time, questioning relationships from the past and asking either, “Why did I become involved with that person?” Or, “Why did I leave that relationship?” Reconnection is possible with friends, family members, or lovers from the past. Be careful, though, in going back. It’s easy to idealize the past because memory casts a hazy glow around our view of how things were. Try to remember the details to balance the urge to move back into familiar territory with the expanded vision of what you’d like your life to be right now.
Your Horoscopes Reading
Aries (March 21-April 19)
The month starts in a flurry of activity. You’re busy organizing your life, adjusting to new habits and routines, and finding creative outlets for self-care. The New Moon on September 6 reminds you to honor your body’s needs and reduce excess stress by focusing on your top priorities. When it comes to health, maintain a disciplined approach.
Your ruling planet, Mars, enters relationship-oriented Libra on September 14, helping you mediate conflicts and find peaceful resolutions to any love life challenges. This influence also motivates your desire for genuine connections, and it could lead to a new chapter in your love life. Mercury goes retrograde on September 26, offering you a chance to integrate the past and present. You could reconnect with someone who has grown distant or reflect on former relationships. Remember, you couldn’t have known then what you know now. Resist self-judgment. Let all awareness be a learning process.
The equinox on September 22 kicks off a season when the Sun’s in a sign opposite yours. So, you might have to work a little extra to draw attention to your accomplishments or achieve your goals. The Libra Sun emphasizes relationships, and therefore, it can be a time when others request more of your time, energy, and attention. Knowing this, leave some empty spaces in your schedule. You may not have as much to give and, therefore, might not feel as productive. With several planets going retrograde, you’re pulling back to shoot forward on the other side. Be patient with all that’s unsettled and have faith in all you’re becoming.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
With the planetary disruptor, Uranus, in your sign, life has been a roller coaster ride. An adventure. As serious Saturn challenges Uranus this year, you walk a fine line between progress and tradition. As you explore themes of freedom in your life, you also feel a sense of duty to those who helped shape and support you—the New Moon on September 6 highlights these themes. Instead of discarding those beliefs, systems, or circumstances that informed your life experience, it’s time to integrate the past into the present.
After September 10, Venus moves through Scorpio, helping to spice up your love life. Venus in Scorpio presents themes of power, depth, and passion. If you notice these tendencies in your relationship dynamics, expect Venus to shine her light on a solution. As Mars enters peace-making Libra on September 14, you can mediate conflicts, though it could take time.
The Full Moon on September 20 highlights self-expression and gets your creative juices flowing. Two days later, the equinox introduces a new season with a balance of light and dark. Take intentional steps toward achieving goals. Saturn retrograde offers a chance to revisit opportunities you may have overlooked this past year. Focus on collaboration. If you are in a phase of burnout, take a break to recharge before giving up. Saturn transits emphasize commitment, though you might face tough lessons and tests of faith along the way. Stay true to your mission, answer your call, and you’ll overcome any challenges you may face.
Gemini (May 20-June 20)
For a tree to grow tall, branch out, and bear fruit, its root system needs nourishment and support. The same message applies to you this month. You were born under one of the most adventurous, adaptable signs of the Zodiac, but pandemic life has presented you with restrictions and frustrations, perhaps, too. How can your living space be a sanctuary for self-care? Can you bring mindfulness practices into your home to share with your family? Give your home base some TLC at the beginning of the month, especially at the New Moon on September 6, and by the Full Moon on September 20, you could discover new ways to branch out into the world.
On September 22, the Sun enters Libra, and some of the goals you established at the beginning of 2021 will come full circle with optimism and vigor. On September 26, your ruling planet, Mercury, stations retrograde, starting three weeks of amplifying your voice in song, speech, or prayer. You’re discovering the key to self-expression lies within the heart. The more you love what you have to share, the more your words resonate with your audience. Your words have more grace and power to reach others at this time.
In love, focus on communication after September 6. Situations from the past could present themselves for review. Stand still and see your relationship from a more enlightened perspective. Identify any triggering dynamics to find a root cause. If you are single, focus on bringing beauty into your space.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
We live in a time of transition, witnessing personal and societal shifts. We’re also moving toward a new season with the equinox on September 22. With change comes tension as the past and future tug in opposite directions. For balance, lean into the support of close friends and family. Also, strengthen ties with your local community. Even something as simple as engaging in conversations with neighbors could be a way to feel more connected.
The New Moon on September 6 offers hope for communicating beyond differences and finding points of connection. Mars in Virgo lends power to your words until September 14, making this a good time to write, speak, or teach. The Full Moon on September 20 offers an opportunity to inspire others with wisdom earned from your lived experience. It’s also a favorable influence for marketing or promotion.
Mercury in Libra goes retrograde on September 26, offering you an exploration of your family of origin. You could have a range of emotions about the memories rising to the surface of your mind. Let nostalgia bring you back into contact with loved ones who may seem distant and move through any grief with a focus on self-care.
In your love life, you have a stronger sense of security this month. With several planets going retrograde, you are more reflective and perhaps more focused on inner healing. Awareness will lead to shifts in your relationship dynamics, especially after Venus enters Scorpio on September 10. Keep an open heart, and allow yourself to be surprised.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Provided conditions are right, seeds that germinate in the dark will reach beyond the soil line into the light. Right now, you’re a step beyond that germination period, and your intentions need your attention and energy. Align your daily activities with your top priorities, and set up non-negotiable daily practices to support the fulfillment of your professional and financial goals. The New Moon on September 6 sets a plan into motion. Be discerning about how you spend money, energy, and time.
On September 14, Mars moves into Libra, helping you mediate arguments. Your words can inspire others and promote healing in both personal relationships and larger systems. Use them wisely. Mercury enters its pre-shadow phase on September 6, emphasizing communication. Simple misunderstandings can clear with time. From September 26 – October 18, Mercury retrograde asks you to drop defenses and be willing to see from other perspectives.
The Pisces Full Moon on September 20 spotlights finances, and you could experience a spiritual shift to help you discover the root cause of financial fear. Uncovering this hidden truth could help you feel more purposeful in all you do.
On September 22, the Sun enters Libra and shines its light in ways that emphasize using your voice. Along with this, Saturn retrograde helps illuminate relationship questions, and you could be more focused on stability and commitment. It’s a time for correcting relationship dynamics that feel off balance. Bring more of your whole self to your partnership by being playful or sharing anything you’ve been withholding, including your wants and needs.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
As the Sun moves through Virgo, you start a new cycle- your Solar Return. Along with this, Mars moving through your sign indicates an urge to live life to the fullest. At the beginning of the month, reassess your priorities in terms of what energizes and enthuses you. What fills you with joy? Mercury moves through Libra all month, helping you link daily tasks with your core values. It is a month for both movement and reflection. Reflect on your goals in productive ways, and if you have unfinished projects, develop a plan. Celebrate your successes, too, especially the personal ones. Did you face a fear? Move beyond doubt to faith? Deepen your intuition?
Your sign is associated with ritual, and the New Moon September 6 offers an invitation to access the power of both luminaries in your sign. Think of the Sun as a spotlight, and use the energy for self-expression, including promoting your work or attracting new business. After September 22, strategize ways to generate income or balance your budget. Mercury goes retrograde on September 26, allowing you to face unfruitful financial beliefs and fears. Some of these might influence your relationships as well. With Mercury moving slowly, there is a heightened need for honest communication, especially if you share financial resources. If you are single and desire a relationship, Mars lends confidence and personal magnetism, and you could attract the right kind of attention.
Libra (September 22-October 22)
We start the month with Venus in your sign, gracing you with confidence and inspiring you to experience more beauty in your life. Look around your space. Is there anything that feels cluttered? In your life, what situations provoke tension? Find ways to eliminate distractions and work through frustrations. Things don’t have to be perfect for you to be in a state of ease and relaxation. The New Moon on September 6 invites rest that feels like a relief for some of the inner turmoil you’ve experienced.
Mercury joins the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) in moving retrograde. After September 26, pause and reflect on how you express yourself. It could be time to adjust your messaging in your business and professional life. Rethink the ways you’ve been working and see if you can be more efficient in all you do. With Saturn in Aquarius, you might feel more pressure to achieve. Check whether your goals stem from a sense of mission or a desire to gain more recognition. Knowing your motivation can help you fine-tune your plans. The Full Moon on September 20 helps clarify the next steps toward achieving goals.
The Sun enters your sign on September 22, and your thoughts turn to relationships. You feel pulled wanting both freedom and connection, especially on September 23. Avoid longing for something that isn’t possible now, as it’s easy for a romantic Libra to have nostalgia for unrealized dreams or broken relationships. Instead, celebrate the beauty of what you’ve manifested in your life thus far.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Venus, the planet of beauty, enters your sign on September 10, reminding us being in a state of receptivity is power, not weakness. This is the power of personal magnetism, anchored in your ability to attract people and experiences into your life by allowing things to flow without chasing down dreams. It’s what we call magic. The New Moon on September 6 offers hints of this theme. Who are the helpful people in your life? Connect with them and experience the joys of collaboration.
You have had profound realizations about love and relationships this year, but especially since June. If your life has felt like a roller coaster ride, consider this month a time to recalibrate. Find your stable supports – work, daily routines, and trusted friends. Venus inspires confidence. So, own your charisma.
Communication is your keyword, especially after Mercury stations retrograde on September 26. If you are single and hoping to manifest a relationship, keep Venus in mind. Follow your intuition for the right timing when it comes to making an ask, personally or professionally. You might feel the momentum to pursue a business lead or reach out to potential clients around the Full Moon on September 20.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
This summer, you have had more questions than answers. It’s been a time of going deep, digging in, and connecting with some of your soulmate friends. Now, you have laid the groundwork for some incredible things to manifest. So, what will they be? You’re only limited by your imagination! Often, our intentions manifest when we least expect it or when we’re looking the other way. So, the new moon on August 8 can be a time of relaxation to let go and invite divine participation. Let goodness flow.
The sun in Leo loves sunshine. For the first part of the month, relax and think of the sun’s light beaming down into the darkest corners of your life. Have faith in the possibilities that emerge after you release fear and become a more powerful creator of your life experience. With Mars shining in Virgo, you are motivated to make career changes that enable you to feel more purposeful in what you do. Reach out to others for support. Until August 15, Venus in Virgo helps move through resistance. Work can be pleasureful.
When it comes to your love life, make relaxation a priority. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or on the verge of a breakup, the sun in heart-centered Leo will help illuminate the next steps to take. There’s hope for harmony in this area of your life. By the time the sun enters Virgo on August 23, you will have a greater awareness of how love can meet adventure.
The Equinox on September 22 marks a time of transition and the beginning of a new season. It also symbolizes the last cycle before your solar return. Reflect on your life– the successes, unrealized goals, and lessons. In this busy month, create space for yourself to reset and begin creating new possibilities.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Your light shines, and others see your brilliance. While part of you appreciates the recognition, another part might feel intimidated by the attention. The Sun and Mars both shine in your career sector this month, motivating you to pursue a higher calling. What do you long to create? For what do you wish to be known? When you have a clear vision of your dream, you can navigate toward it. Set intentions according to these questions at the New Moon on September 6.
As Saturn and Jupiter move retrograde, you can revisit a body of work you started in the past. Perhaps it’s time to write, speak, or teach, especially if you have had a desire to promote a passion project or speak on behalf of a cause. The Full Moon on September 20 offers a platform for this work. Pay attention to any guideposts along the way, including signs and symbols in your environment, intuitive hits, or ideas from friends. You are spirit-led.
Mercury stations retrograde on September 26, and you could reconnect with friends from the past. Engage with others who support you — ones who ask, “What can I do to help?” You need a cheering section for all you’re creating and sending out into the world!
As the Sun enters Libra on September 22, be honest with your feelings and allow yourself to sit in the discomfort of the unknown when you have questions. You may not be ready for the answers yet; Mercury retrograde will offer clarity by October 18.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Your intentions are gateways into new states of consciousness. When you want something, like a new job or relationship, you set into motion a whole series of events to heal the past, claim your power, and connect with helpful people. In the process, you become aware of the obstacles that need to clear. That’s where you are now. Saturn, the planet of our perceived limitations, is retrograde in your sign. Challenge the limiting factors in your life to see if they’re, in fact, movable. Often, limitations are only projections of our limiting beliefs.
Mercury moves through Libra this month, inspiring knowledge and urging you to learn something new. Mercury goes retrograde on September 26, and you could encounter people from your past. See them as teachers, and discern whether there are lessons for you to master from those relationships.
The New Moon on September 9 highlights finances, moving you to have an honest dialogue with your partner about shared goals. If you have held much of the financial responsibility, you could discuss ways to have more balance in your partnership. Think creatively and work together up to the Full Moon on September 20, when you could have a breakthrough in your relationship.
Venus in Scorpio after September 10 highlights helpful relationships in business, making it a time to promote yourself or collaborate with others. As the Sun enters Libra on September 22, imagine how you can have more freedom in your work to travel, learn, and grow. Expand your awareness of what’s possible for your work and life.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Love and relationships are a primary focus at the start of the month, as you find ways to align interests, bridge differences, and mediate conflict. The New Moon on September 6 offers insights into how projection or transference influence your relationship dynamics. Proceed with curiosity and an open mind, willing to learn, grow, and heal.
If you solidify a business partnership, trust its staying power. The Sun in stable Virgo helps you see what’s true and take concerted action. After September 26, when Mercury is retrograde, you can take time to reassess any professional or financial decisions you’ve reached this year. Until then, proceed with careful enthusiasm.
On September 14, the Sun opposes Neptune. Observe your dreams and any signs and symbols you receive in your waking life. You could receive guidance or messages about significant matters in your life. Attune yourself to your higher calling, and make time to connect spiritually. Your internal guidance is strong, but others could influence you and lead to confusion.
The Full Moon on September 20 highlights self-love in relation to your love for others. Hint: It all starts and ends with your willingness to accept yourself, make peace with the past, and love even the aspects of yourself that most frustrate you. Then, a new cycle begins with the equinox on September 22. If you have been single for some time, you could have a new awareness about making yourself more available for love. If you are in a relationship, you could find new ways of connecting with your partner.