A Time of Introspection March 2022 Horoscope


Rachel’s Overview for March 

My jaw dropped when I first looked at the astrology for this month. We have a concentration of energy in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – the three signs in the last quadrant of the zodiac.

We can split the entire 360˚ zodiac wheel into four quadrants, consisting of 3 signs each. The last quadrant emphasizes the self in society, developing goals, contributing, and connecting to a larger whole – through the groups to which we belong or the spiritual realm. Is there a better symbolism for these times?

The New Moon on March 2 is so interesting because the Sun and Moon are applying to Jupiter, and all three are applying to Neptune. Jupiter in Pisces in the sign of its domicile, and Saturn in Aquarius is, too. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and Mercury is exalted in Aquarius. Venus is applying to Mars and Pluto, and Mars is applying to Pluto. This combination shows us a mix of aggression and compassion.

Mars and Jupiter steal my focus. Mars, in its exaltation, is a strong force for action, and this could mean more conflict coming to a head. At the same time, the New Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, the sign of compassion. It shows our ability to harmonize opposition by seeing beyond our perspectives’ limits.

The influence of Jupiter shows there are spiritual solutions for some of our concerns and some of the global ones we see play out on a larger stage. Jupiter moves through Pisces this year, the mutable water sign, representing the invisible emotional threads that connect us all through empathy and compassion. It is linked to the arts and creative expression, as well as spirituality. Jupiter magnifies anything it meets – it’s the largest planet in our solar system, after all. When Jupiter’s in Pisces, we see an emphasis on these themes (to name a few):

  • Interest in spirituality
  • Magic
  • Fantasy
  • Drugs and drug recovery solutions
  • Healing
  • Compassion
  • The Arts

At the same time, Pisces isn’t the clearest influence. It can make everything seem hazy and uncertain. It dissipates the boundaries between us, and it opens us to experience the divine through a sense of oneness with all.

Pisces has a shadow side, which involves manipulation through messaging. Jupiter in Pisces suggests we can’t access the truth of our intuition without picking up on others’ vibes, sending us into confusion about what’s real and what’s not. We watch the news and feel like there’s more to the story, yet we can’t know what we can’t see.

All of this comes to a head this month. Imagine the confusion of the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune in Pisces… with the action-oriented fervor of Mars in Capricorn conjunct Pluto. It would be easy for us to jump to conclusions or act before knowing all the facts. Kind of like racing cars on in the fog. All planets are going direct, too, adding to this energy.

On March 3, Venus and Mars conjoin Pluto in Capricorn, making the first of the month an important time for relationships. We’ll see new commitments and perhaps some breakups as the two relationship planets dance with one another and Pluto. This influence suggests it’s a time to resolve conflict, but things might need to come to a critical point before peace can be restored.

Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 5 and meet in a conjunction again, this time in Aquarius, focusing on the various ways we relate with friends and others in our lives. We feel more detached from any emotional triggers, which could mean less intensity in general. We feel more independent and want to be free to do our own thing, which could mean friction if we don’t balance those impulses.

On March 9, Mercury enters Pisces, helping offset some of the confusion of the New Moon by giving us greater access to our intuition. On March 13, the Sun joins Neptune in Pisces to deepen that spiritual awareness. Pay attention to your dreams – they could be vivid with prophetic messages. It’s also a good time for creating something beautiful or focusing your energy on giving back in some way. We feel extremes of everything – love, pain, frustration, sadness, fear, grace, joy, and gratitude. Our emotions are more than guidance systems; they’re divination tools up to the Virgo Full Moon on the 18th.

The Full Moon is an interesting lunation because the Sun is in a sextile aspect with Pluto, making this a time for profound healing on all levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual. It’s a Full Moon for decluttering and realizing what’s most important. We want the truth, and we don’t need to go looking for it; we will discover it throughout our day.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20, kicking off a new astrological year. We feel less intense than we did at the beginning of the month. There’s a surge of energy with a Mars-Uranus square on March 22, activating our inner rebels. We could see more demonstrations or rallies throughout the world. Mars is activating the longer Uranus transits, especially the Saturn square Uranus transit last year. In stifling situations, we crave freedom, and we have more access to our voices when it comes to the causes we believe. Remember, every situation has multiple facets, and try to be open to seeing other points of view. That simple exercise could save you from struggle next month when Jupiter and Neptune meet in Pisces.

Mercury enters Aries on March 27, turbo-charging your mind to consider new possibilities. The influence of Aries can heat up our words— be extra cautious when sending emails. I once wrote an angry email that I never intended to send, and I accidentally hit the send button. I will never make that mistake again!!

We close the month with the Aries New Moon on March 31. The healing influences of Chiron and Mercury make this a time to forgive and clear a blank slate in your life. New beginnings in relationships start with experiencing self-love.

“Key messages: Be aware of manipulation through messaging. Look inward to examine your own thoughts and emotions….” Jacquie Walker


We can divide the month into two parts— winter and spring. For those in the Southern Hemisphere, I mean this more metaphorically. From March 1-18, you’re pruning back different areas of your life. The full moon on March 18 punctuates this theme. After that, life starts blossoming in new ways. You enter Aries season on March 20 with a renewed sense of energy to face the possibilities open in your new solar year. Happy birthday, indeed!

The Pisces new moon on March 2 inspires revelations, but you must put the puzzle pieces together to clarify any questions looming in your mind. It’s a watery, emotional lunation with a concentration of energy in Pisces, and your heart could break open with love. Big feelings mean big healing, and this is one of the themes of the lunation. What are you healing? Past heartbreaks, grief, loss, ancestral trauma, and physical pain. Bring it all to the altar. Offer it up for divine intervention.

On March 5, our relationship planets, Venus and Mars, enter Aquarius, the sign of agape love and friendship. You’re pulled between pandemic introversion and your mind’s cry, “Enough already, let’s play!” There will be get-togethers, celebrations, and dining experiences throughout the autumn. Ease back into your social life.

On March 20, the Sun enters your sign, and it’s your time to shine! Offers come, but you want to be extra selective. Jupiter enters your sign in May, making it a time to pitch, promote, and win. Now is the prep time for that transit by welcoming joy as a spiritual discipline.


I’m fascinated by studies in neuroplasticity. Did you know when we consciously practice gratitude, our brain releases reward-based neurotransmitters—the same kinds we feel when we’re in love. Now, let’s talk about Pisces season, the time when our hearts and minds crave spiritual connections and experiences to find meaning as we say goodbye to what no longer supports our growth. It’s the last sign of the zodiac, and we realize some things must end for others to begin. Daily rituals, like a gratitude practice, help keep those neurotransmitters flowing.

The month starts with a new moon in Pisces on March 2, and we have a concentration of energy in this sign. Shocking Uranus and expansive Jupiter join this lunation, making it a day full of surprises. You could have a life-changing meeting, but be part of the unfolding magic by daring to assert yourself. There’s power in asking with the anticipation of receiving.

Mars and Venus meet in Aquarius on March 5, and you could fall in love with your work or feel a passionate sense of mission. You may have asked, How can I experience more joy in my work? With the influence of Venus, the answer might be bringing more beauty into your life. Does your workspace feel peaceful? Do you have natural elements, like plants and crystals? Make simple changes for a more harmonious day-to-day experience.

On March 20, the Sun enters Aries and ushers in a new season. Spend time outside at the end of the month, basking in nature’s bounty. The Aries new moon on March 31 promises a fresh start if you’re bold enough to make a change.

 GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20):

It’s tempting to start your horoscope with an inspirational quote like the ones you’d find framed in a corporate office, like: “Every day is a new opportunity. Believe and succeed. Whatever you’re thinking, think bigger.”

If you need a pep talk, I’m here for you! You’re in a cycle of growth, which means you’re not supposed to be comfortable. We grow by problem-solving, wrestling with frustration, or reaching a catharsis. We want to push ourselves enough to build resilience and courage, but not to the point of burnout. This month’s astrology portends growth. Envision what’s possible as your new moon ritual on March 2. The Sun enters Aries on March 20, and throughout the month, you feel energized to share your talents with the world in new ways.

With a cluster of planets in mystical, watery Pisces, life moves through steamy, icy, and foggy times. During the fog, revel in the questions. Clarity comes with the Virgo full moon on March 18. In steamy times, use your words to express the depth of feeling. Send letters or write poetry. In the icy times, you’re not frozen stuck. Instead, you’re prepping for life changes, especially as Mercury meets stern Saturn on March 2.

Both Venus and Mars enter Aquarius on March 5 and wake up your inner free spirit. It’s easy to blame our work, partner, children, or other external factors for our seeming lack of freedom. However, when we dig down to the root of things, we eventually realize that we’re the guardians of our destinies. If you want to see change, the new moon on March 31 invites you to ask.

 CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22):

The hibernation process can be stressful for some animals, but they emerge more resilient in adapting to those stressors. For example, the arctic squirrel’s body temperature reaches below the freezing point of water, stressing their brains causing neurons to shrink and synapses to weaken. But something incredible happens. Their cells store a unique protein that helps those cells and synapses quickly regenerate after hibernation. Amazing, right? This month, as the new moon on March 2 meets enthusiastic Jupiter and intersects with free-spirited Uranus, you’re feeling like that squirrel in the first days of spring—full of possibilities, awake, and alive.

This Pisces season is a watery one. The weather where you live might feature more precipitation. On the one hand, you feel more sensitive to everything, and on the other hand, you’re more curious and open to adventure, thanks to Jupiter. You’re balancing introversion and extroversion, and it can shift from moment to moment. Follow the waves of your feelings. We’re all along for the ride!

Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 5, easing some of the intense focus on relationships. In exploring every facet of your love life, you’ve hopefully reached new conclusions about how to deepen self-love by prioritizing self-nurturing practices. This month, try allowing others to support you in various ways. Recognize the power in reaching out for help.

On March 20, the Sun enters Aries and motivates you to change your work/life balance. The new moon on March 31 indicates the possibility of a new project or idea you can bring to fruition. Let your imagination go wild, exploring the various routes that can lead to your destination.

 LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22):

Read this like a message from your loved ones in spirit. (It’s more than an ordinary horoscope!)

I see you— your heart’s on fire with love and your arms reach out in service. I feel your secret need to be seen and known, but also the way you direct the spotlight away from yourself. You are so much more than the identities you claim. You are love, and as love, you need not ask, “What should I do?” You are, so be. 

When you look in the mirror, do you see love reflected? Saturn’s moving through your opposite sign puts pressure on you to define who you are, and love is a good start.

Perhaps reading all of this, you feel the catharsis and shift indicated by this month’s astrology. It starts with the mystical Pisces new moon on March 2. This lunation features a concentration of energy in Pisces, and it could be a watery day of wading through waves of emotions. In his book The Smell of Rain on Dust, Martín Prechtel writes of how the expression of grief is love’s way of praising what is lost, and I love this concept. You’ve moved through our period of collective grief; it’s time to wail in praise for what you’re loving and living. Make it a full moon ritual on March 18.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, representative of endings. Aries follows on March 20, ushering in a time of renewal and birth. The Aries new moon on March 31 inspires artistry in all you do. It’s time to step into that spotlight with new ways to shine.


Analytical Mercury might rule your sign, but I’d guess you’re a romantic at heart. I have good news for you lovers and dreamers! This month’s astrology shows a heart expansion like we’ve never seen, as indicated by the Pisces new moon on March 2. The stellar influences of the day feature Jupiter, the planet of faith, Uranus, the planet of surprises, and our relationship planets, Venus and Mars. All eight planets and both luminaries are moving through the hemisphere of the sky opposite your sign, making it a time to let your ego make way for mystical experiences of togetherness. Unity could be a keyword, as you harmonize perceived differences with others in business or your personal life.

Mental Mercury enters Pisces on March 9, highlighting conceptual thinking and non-verbal communication. You’re more attuned to others’ thoughts and feelings, especially on the thirteenth when the Sun meets Neptune. It’s almost as if you can hear what they’re not saying as clear as you can hear their spoken words. This changes on March 27 when Mercury enters Aries and impassions your ideas.

Healing waves of emotions ebb and flow under the light of the full moon in your sign on March 18. This lunation invites the influence of Pluto to remind us of any past or present situations that we feel powerless to change. Now, we can reach beyond our perceived limitations to shift outcomes. I think of this full moon as a gentle reckoning or atonement. We empty ourselves of disappointment, grief, and resentment and fill ourselves with the flow of pure creative power—magic.


Last year, I decided to get personalized license plates with a fun astrological reference. I quickly realized I couldn’t drive the streets of LA as an anonymous driver with a black electric car. My neighbors would notice if I rushed through a stop sign. They’d say, “There’s the astrologer, driving badly!” The possibility of being known and seen made me more conscious of my behavior (and a better driver). I offer this story to illustrate some pros and cons of self-expression. It takes courage to release your art, writing, or work in the world. We long to be seen, but we fear it, too, which is valid, given internet trolls, imposters, and negative comments. Likewise, the world longs to hear you, and when Venus and Mars meet in Aquarius on March 5, you’ll find out how to take the stage.

We start the month with a disorienting but sacred new moon on March 2. This lunation features Jupiter and Uranus, our solar system’s generous grandpa and rebel change agent, respectively. The universe wants you to ask for something with your whole heart and then notice when you move from desire to indecision. We Libras sometimes move to confusion to avoid conflict, but sometimes, that conflict is all in our heads. As the Sun moves into Aries on March 20, we need to assert ourselves. Start by stating your desires and ritualizing them as worthy intentions.

We book-end this month with the Pisces new moon on March 2 and the Aries new moon on March 31, a reminder that life gives us infinite chances to reimagine ourselves. At the end of the month, apply this thinking to your relationships and renew the spark.


What have you been telling yourself about your relationship? Or about being single? When we’re with someone long enough, we ease into predictable patterns, and in turn, we develop a set of expectations about our partner’s behaviors. Likewise, you might expect disappointment when you have a series of disappointing dates. When we expect different outcomes, we get different outcomes, even if it takes time for new patterns to form. Tell yourself a different story to start. The new moon on March 2 is one of the most interesting astrological events of the year, and it’s moving through Pisces, a fellow water sign. Romantic sparks could fly, or you could be on the brink of a genius idea. Be open to breakthroughs. This lunation sets the stage for more to come next month.

Mars and Venus enter Aquarius on March 5, drawing you home for security and comfort. If others’ needs seem unending, fortify your boundaries with relatives and protect your energy. You’ll need your total mental bandwidth around March 22; your astrology indicates motion and change. With that in mind, be selective with how you invest your time, attention, and money. Hint: prioritize fun!

We start the month with several planets in dreamy, creative, and mystical Pisces. You can reach more spiritual heights and depths, which means cathartic breakthroughs and mind-blowing synchronicities for some of you. Imagination is your keyword. Once the Sun enters Aries on March 20, seek embodied wisdom through somatic therapies or exercise. Research the connection between imaginative processes (like creative visualization) and physical healing. The month closes with the invigorating Aries new moon that fires you up for optimal wellness in all areas of your life.


Spring is in the air; can you feel it? On March 20, the Sun enters Aries (a fellow fire sign) and kicks off a new season. It’s a fresh start for you. If you’ve felt stuck, uninspired, or blah, you’ll be happy to know things are starting to move. As several planets move through Pisces at the start of the month, you might move to a new space or make changes to your home, especially with the New Moon on March 2.

The March 2 lunation emphasizes healing generational trauma, repairing fractured family dynamics, and making peace with your past. That day is rich with astrological symbolism. Mercury joins Saturn, Venus and Mars meet Pluto, and the new moon relates with Uranus, the planet of sudden surprises. What does it all mean? You’re working behind the scenes, finishing your masterpiece, and editing the details before stepping onstage to show the world. Every moment you spend in quiet reflection or nurturing a healing process will pay dividends in all areas of your life.

At the end of the month, with the Sun in fiery Aries, you feel a surge of energy that wants to move! Join a sports activity or hike with a group if you feel inspired. Movement could mean something more intangible, like the subtle shifts you feel when your heart says, yes, to a first date or a road trip journey. To whom or what are you saying yes in your life right now, and can you offer a more resounding invitation? The month ends with the Aries New Moon. Don’t hit the brakes on joy; let it flow to you and through you, infecting everyone you meet.


Whoa. When I looked at your transits for the beginning of the month, I was speechless for a moment. Whoa describes the combination of Venus, Mars, Vesta, and Pluto piled up in your sign on the day of the New Moon, March 2. What could this mean? You’re like a runner with their focus on the finish line or an arrow flying toward a target. Prioritize your aim—where you focus your attention. Stand ready to act at a moment’s notice if the right opportunity comes to you.

The Pisces Sun meets Jupiter on March 5 and Neptune on March 13. Both transits inspire imaginative ideas and lend creativity to communication throughout the month, making this a good time for marketing, writing, or social media. On March 5, Mars and Venus meet in Aquarius, shining a light on your finances, which are a focal point as they make their way closer to Saturn. The combination of these transits suggests you could structure new pathways to income and wealth-building. Your wildest dreams feel within reach; set a plan to manifest those visions.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20 and puts pressure on your personal life. Your loved ones want your entire presence. Your spiritual growth edge lies in your ability to maintain inner stillness amidst the rush of life’s swift forward motion. If you have children or pets, let playtime be a grounding source. Otherwise, turn to physical exercise or breathwork. In those moments of presence, grace flows. The month ends with a fiery new moon on March 31. Let your peace be contagious.


Did you know there’s an astrological correlation with the period in toddlerhood we think of as the terrible twos? It relates to Mars, the individuation planet. Mars enters your sign on March 5. So, imagine your favorite toddler running with a pair of scissors. As you try to grab the sharp object, they cry, “No! Mine!” Now, reflect on your life. Is there anything you’re gripping like that and refusing to let go of?

On March 5, Mars enters your sign, and you have a choice. You could let go of a depleting situation or stand firm in the hope of eventual change. Let the fire of your inner truth lead the way, but don’t be like that toddler.

The full moon on March 18 illuminates answers to financial questions regarding taxes, estate planning, or debts. If you feel overwhelmed with options, lean into your support network for help. (That last line was a two-part message. 1. If you don’t have a network, build one. 2. See yourself as part of the whole – you’re not alone!) You can apply this message to any situation in your life. Value yourself enough to abandon the struggle. Things are about to get even better!

Both of the relationship planets are moving through your sign! Venus in Aquarius emphasizes platonic love and the deepening of friendships. When Venus shines in your sign, you feel more attractive. You crave experiences of love that expand your heart’s capacity to feel it, and often this means romance. On March 13, the Sun meets Neptune, helping you explore both spiritual and physical dimensions of love. Relax and allow yourself to fall.


When I first glanced at your astrology this month, my jaw dropped. Even I am asking, What’s going to happen?! Perhaps you feel it—a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Something is about to shift, and you only need to attune your ears to the voice of wisdom and answer the call.

There’s a powerful new moon on March 2 in your sign. This lunation features Jupiter and Uranus, marking this a month for enhanced dreams, prophetic visions, and wonder. It’s important to stay grounded until the end of April amidst the breakthroughs and spiritual insights. It’s a highly spiritual, mystical time. Sometimes, spiritual growth means meditating to a blissful state, and other times, it involves walking barefoot across hot coals. If things feel hard, look below the surface of struggle to find meaning in it all.

The Sun joins Neptune on March 13 and amplifies your intuition. This month, your emotions and sensitivities give you guiding messages, but you may have learned to mistrust your intuition or suppress those sensitivities. If so, practice by being still and allow those messages to rise to consciousness. Some of them could come in the form of muscle tension or other sensations. Observe and ask yourself questions like, “What is this trying to tell me?”

The Full Moon on March 18 highlights relationships. With all the planets occupying the same hemisphere of the zodiac, you are learning how to prioritize yourself. Your willingness to serve is a gift to the planet, but you need to recharge occasionally. Let this be the time in any way you can. If you can attend to self-care early, you’ll feel more open to receiving goodness by the time the Sun enters Aries on March 20.

Rachel Lang – Based In Los Angeles, Ca.  https://rachellangastrologer.com

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