100% Pure Schumann Resonance for Grounding, Stability, & Well-Being


The Schumann Resonance, Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 Hz,  An interesting fact is that 7.83 Hz frequency is also the alpha/theta brainwave frequency in the human brain.

Our modern technology uses frequencies that are not harmonious with the planet or our physical body. This is why the Schumann Resonance is being studied. This video is a long play recording of the Schumann Resonance that you might have running in the background. The vibration comes through the sound and amplifies the effect.

You could tune into the actual Schumann Resonance by sitting on the Earth in nature and meditating on the hearth. You might feel it as a heartbeat when you are in your own meditation too -  as it is the vibration of our Earth Mother.

If you are interested in learning more about the Schumann Resonance you might like to read this article https://www.drskinhealth.com/blog/schumann-resonance.

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